Friday, August 29, 2008

Chapter 167: Ogres are like onions

So my sister found A&W on Facebook and she told me to add him as a friend. I delayed; mostly because if I added him and he didn’t do anything (i.e. write me professing his undying love for me) I think I would have been disappointed. I also figured that if he was friends with her it wouldn’t be hard to find me. But I didn’t hold out for that either. So yesterday I went ahead and, heart a little nervous, sent him a friend request.

I’m one of those impatient people too; I forget how long ago I actually did something and get upset that the other person hasn’t responded quickly enough. I think you may have seen this in me before. So by this morning I was already anxious and regretted sending the request. I know I have problems; you don’t have to point that out to me.

Just a few minutes ago I had a moment of boredom so I clicked on the Internet and checked Facebook. He accepted my friend request and then I had a message waiting in my inbox. It was short and simple and is as follows:

“Hey how was the baptism? hope ya'll are doing good, utah is good, life is good, but onions are not, anywho, take care, _____”

And then he wrote his name, but he’s subject to anonymity as well. I don’t know how I feel about this message, and I’m not quite sure how to respond back. The baptism he is referring to is Burrito’s, as for the onions…I have no clue. I will be asking if there is a story behind that though, because my curiosity has been peaked.

I don’t know why I’m thinking about it so much, I mean the guy is 2,000 miles away, he’s at a different stage in life, and he’s 4 years younger than me! That’s right! Four years! Beats seven but still. I shouldn't even be thinking about it.

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