Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chapter 164: She may look like your average slut facecd ho bag, but in reality she is so much more than that.

I realize that it’s been a while since I’ve vented…at least I feel like it’s been a while. I’m not sure if in your eyes my venting is a good thing or a bad thing. So…if you see it as a good thing, prepare to be satisfied. If you see it as a bad thing – my deepest apologies

I guess I’ve been letting it build. She was gone for three weeks, and even when I was out west I didn’t have to spend any time with her. So a nice, long, relaxing break from SFHB. So I picked her up from the airport and tried not to let her talking bug me. She was telling me about the date she went on while home for the break. I asked her to tell me about him, trying to act like I cared. Suddenly she’s giving me a genealogy report! I was half tempted to interrupt her and tell her to just cut to the chase. All you had to say was he’s my brother’s cousin-in-law’s brother…or whatever relation they really were. Somehow he’s “in the family” and had she just told me the direct connection I would probably know right now. But she went the 10 minute route, thus losing everything, my focus, my respect, my patience.

That was just the beginning. Earlier this week I happened to come home at the same time that SFHB and P.R. (Pack Rat) were approaching the house from PR’s car. They were headed towards the front door until I pulled in and then they veered towards my car. I was a little not in the mood to even see them so I sat in my car for a minute pretending to be busy and not even notice them, all while muttering under my breath about how they’d better just go in the front door. But they waited, almost a little impatiently. I got out and SFHB says, “We’re going to cut through your room.” I said, “It’s messy.” And SFHB said it didn’t matter. But you see, it does matter. It’s my freaking room. I don’t like people to see it in the condition that it was in. I flipped her off in my mind and let them go through my room. They could have already been in the house with their stuff set down if they had just taken the front door.

Then on Sunday SFHB says that we should all go out to eat. I tell her that’s a great idea (mostly because I love O’Charleys restaurant). Then she asks what I’m doing for lunch the next day. I tell her I have to go home because I can’t leave my dog that long (I wasn’t going home after work, in fact I wouldn’t be home until late). So she asks about Tuesday and I tell her fine…though I’m wondering when this went from roommate dinner to just the two of us lunch. She says something about it being good because she has felt like she’s had to chase me down to hang out. Get a clue, take a hint, I’m avoiding you.

Anyway, not to completely jump rafts, but several times she’s parked in my spot. I know that we don’t have “spots” in the driveway but it bugs me when she parks where I usually park, right outside my bedroom door. I just don’t understand if she is going through the front door why she needs to be so far up in the driveway. And she parks all the way to the left because she’s certain that we could both park in the area of the driveway. I’ve already told her that I’m not willing to try it with my car (especially since the space she is giving me is between the brick house and her car). So I feel like she’s trying to prove a point, and if I didn’t love my car so much I would prove my own point about how we cannot fit both cars there. Aside from the point that I already made that should someone park where Moxie parks then the car on the right would be trapped…and who is she sticking on the right? Me! So she’s just pissing me off with this. I just don’t see why she isn’t parking on the side of the driveway (though I consider that Moxie’s spot). Or better yet, why doesn’t she just park out front? I can’t help but think that she goes through my room to get into the house, and I know that’s probably some irrational thought but knowing it’s irrational isn’t stopping me from having it. And that irrational thought pisses me off more than anything. I just can’t stand her.

I can hear her upstairs and I can’t even stand the sound of her voice. Her and PR are always sitting on the couches upstairs. I mean seriously, do I have to pay my part for cable when I never even get to watch the damn tv? I know I don’t watch a lot, but being able to watch something I want to would be nice. They are there from the time I get home (5:15) until sometimes midnight. Nothing better to do ladies? Seriously.

Then last night I’m sitting in my bed, watching a movie on my laptop and it’s 11:58 in the p.m. and I have the movie turned up a little loud because I like that theater feeling and I can hear her talking to me, though I can’t tell what she is saying until I hear her say, “I’m coming in.” and then there she is. Coming in my room. She’s got a bag of garbage in her hand and asks if she can cut through to take the garbage out. …now I know I can’t do that in her room and that’s why I don’t ask, but seriously, this is still my bedroom. I’m paying extra rent so I don’t think that just because I have the bigger room with the backdoor that comes out by the driveway means that I should be hospitable to the garbage flow. Now, do you want garbage brought through your room? Chances are no. So I lay on my thickest layer of “annoyed” and say, “Yeah, I guess.” It’s almost midnight you banshee, and that’s just in addition to the fact that it’s rude to constantly be asking me if you can cut through my room to take out garbage. One time she came out my door to grab the recycle bin, I was standing outside with two of the neighbor kids and here she comes through my door. Did I say you could cut through my room bitch? I don’t recall. She tells me she’s going to cut through my room with the recycling and since there are children there I don’t tell her how I really feel about that. Anyway, ignore that digression, last night she comes back in front taking out the garbage and at this point I have paused the movie and am staring at the screen waiting for her to close my door and leave. She says, "What are you watching?" and I tell her without looking up and she finally says, "ok" and walks off. Why are you so damn nosey SFHB!?

I need to stop, because I’m getting a headache and my dog needs me to pay attention to him.


The Chubby One said...

Okay, so I checked and it hasn't even been a week since I vented :) Oops.

C$ said...

So in the pic of you and SFHB and PackRat that is SFHB's profile pic on looks like you have the "You don't know it yet but I'm going to kill you in your sleep" eyes trained on SFHB. HAHA! It bothers me that she always feels the need to cut through your room to go outside or inside. Use the freaking front door! That would have been like me going through your room every time I wanted to do my laundry... ridiculous!!

G Sauce said...

It totall does c$!!! That's classic. I understand your pain, especially the parking thing!

The Chubby One said...

haha! I went and looked at it too. Funny thing is, she doesn't even notice!
She didn't like that picture at first, her and Pack Rat told me to delete it and I said I liked it. For the Matchbox 20 feel.