Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chapter 166: This is me...on my best behavior

I’m supposed to go to dinner tonight with my roommates. This is worse than having to spend time with my family at Christmas. I like my family, don’t misread that statement, but being forced to hang out with them tends to bring out the worst in me. On my terms my family is awesome, but when that time extends beyond my control things get rocky. Almost the same with roommates except not. Roommates are different; I don’t have to love them despite their short comings because nothing but a year contract binds us together. If I end up liking them, that’s a bonus, but they are not blood so my devotion to them is compromised of my respect for them, the value I place on them (this isn’t as cold as it sounds), and their ability to not grate my nerves. There have been countless roommates who have become friends and some have even become what I would consider family (natural evolution I think).

I’m trying my hardest though. Sunday I had an epiphany, I’ve got to get my act together. Not only was SFHB promoted to second counselor (So every three or so months I’ll have to listen to her teach again) but MM became a teacher. Once a month I’ll have to sit there and pretend that I don’t think she’s full of b.s. Serves me right though, when you think of what I am. I’m no better than her anyway. We are all hypocrites and just because she’s more annoying about it than I am doesn’t make my actions right. So this is what I have to put up with, this is my punishment…or as I have better come to see it, my lesson to learn. Sure MM got exactly what she wanted by become buddy, buddy with Tyrant (yes, I see through that move as well), sure MM hasn’t really come to relief society in who knows how long, sure she asked to be released from her other callings and made it clear that she wanted to be a r.s. teacher, none of it matters. Just let it slide. Let is slide.

I think I’ve done pretty good with SFHB too, considering how I normally am. But dinner? Maybe I’m wrong; maybe we’ll have a great time. But for the moment, for the next 15 or so minutes, I’m going to dread this roommate dinner. It’s probably because we aren’t going to the restaurant I thought we were going to. The only part of this event that brought me excitement because somehow Pack Rat has had the dumb luck to get food poisoning there twice. What are the odds? That’s all I’m asking. …and what the hell do you keep ordering that is giving you food poisoning. There, now I’ve asked all my questions about that.

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