Monday, August 25, 2008

Chapter 165: Hey Laserlips. Your mama was a snowblower.

The date. I’m sure you all have just been dying to hear the details, which is too bad since I have a faulty memory and nothing too memorable happened.

Around 3:00 PM on Saturday he called me to double check that we were still on for that evening. I was proud to say that I was (Friday I had gotten really sick, probably from venting too much about SFHB.

He came to pick me up a few minutes before 6, just like he had said. He came to the door to get me and then while we were walking to the car he made me put my arm through his, it made me think of when I had to walk down the aisle with my brother at my sister’s wedding. Not something I’m used to doing, but I was better at it with my 6’9” brother than with this guy who is noticeably shorter than I am. He opened my car door for me, I got in, buckled up, but did not open his door from the inside. Probably because the last time I did that I kind of got chastised by the guy (don’t feel like talking about it). Then we were off. I made small talk pretty well I think and then we got to his house where we were going to meet the other two couples. Fiancé and his girlfriend were one couple (I don’t even want to talk about how embarrassing it is to have a fiancé who is in a relationship with another girl), and then Spielberg and…let’s call her Catan, were the other couple.

We went to Five Guys (Burgers and Fries) for dinner. I’ve only been there once, but as I noticed everything is cooked in peanut oil I finally understood why he asked if I had a peanut allergy when he called to ask me out. Dinner went pretty well, nothing earth shattering happened. So we finished and returned to #5’s house. There we were to play Settlers of Zarahemla, which, if you’ve ever played Catan, it’s a lot like that. Catan (the girl not the game) is obsessed with the original game, we aren’t just talking plays a lot, we’re talking she owns several different versions of the game (who knew they existed?) and even knows little fun facts about the game. One useful one, if you’ve lost a piece you can e-mail the company and they’ll send you one for free. But I mean, she knows the dates they were released and in what countries (see why it’s her name now?). We played in teams, which I don’t like to do, it’s not that I’m not a team player. In some games I would be a good team player, in this game…not so much. If I’m going to lose I’d rather do it on my own. I’m not a strategy player and #5 is. I would make a suggestion, but it didn’t go with the strategy, unfortunately he would still listen to me, but not every time. So in the end he listened every time it was detrimental to our game plan, but never when it would help. I’m not bitter, I don’t care if I lose the game, I lose all the time, I’m just stating some facts. Well throughout the game Catan and #5 both displayed their evil laughs. One sounded like an evil laugh and one sounded…socially awkward, I’ll leave it to you who had which.

At one point Catan was talking (she talked a lot on the date) and she mentioned that she teaches Belly Dancing and said something about her belly dancing outfit and I just slipped and instantly said, “That’s awkward.” But not in an offensive way, I don’t think anyone was offended, they just laughed. Near the beginning of playing #5 was explaining the rules and he said, “Then we look at our hand.” And instantly I looked at my hand! Luckily everyone just thought I was kidding, but I really did have a blonde moment. I appreciated that Moxie did the same thing when I was retelling the story. Then later someone said something about how we have to show our hands (we are talking about a hand of cards in case no one is following) and Fiancé sticks out his hand, and his date and I both do it as well. Overall the date was actually fun. We got into the car and it was 8:51….the date was ending right before 9, just like he had said. I was impressed with how well he timed the whole thing. He either does this a lot or that’s his brand of autism. (DISCLAIMER: I believe that we all have Autistic and OCD-like tendencies, I am not insulting him or the autistic community.)

So that was date number 5…bring on number 6!

1 comment:

C$ said...

Yeah! He opened your car door for you! Good for #5! Sounds like he knows how to be a gentleman. I'm gonna say #5's laugh was the socially awkward one...??