Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chapter 163: The Make Out Sign Up Sheet

I feel like I should have saved yesterday's title for today. The reason being? I have my fifth date for the year, so now I need to work on the sixth. I was talking to my roommates Sunday night and told them that if I ended up having an odd number of dates by the end of the year I would kill myself. Not a problem when I said it because I had an even number, but now I'll have an odd. Not that I'm complaining. I'm not complaining.

So the story: Last night my phone kept ringing, not even good calls, unknown numbers and no voicemails. Unimportant, minuscule, obsolete, just plain stupid. One of the calls I foolishly hoped was SM2 calling to ask me on a date, because seriously he needs to just do that already. So this unknown number is calling and I let it go to voicemail. My phone buzzes to let me know that I have a new message. My palms grow sweaty, my stomach churns dinner in an uncomfortable manner. I get through the message telling me how many new messages I have and finally it prepares to let me listen. Then a voice comes through the silent space between, "Deleted from our calling list." I ponder this for .25 seconds and hang up the phone. What calling list? Who was that woman? I decide to let it go and eat a graham cracker. Then my phone is going off again. It's that kid who keeps asking me out - so I let it go to voicemail. I do better knowing what I'm dealing with. I finish watching my movie and then I go over to check my voicemail he left me. He was asking me out again, trying to catch me a little sooner than last time (he gets progressively better).

The voicemail was very detailed, Saturday night, 6pm, group date. I've decided that I'm going to say 'yes' because this guy is persistent, he's nice enough, and he's going back to school in a week so what's the harm. I'm just intrigued that he keeps trying, I mean I feel like I'm a good foot taller than him, i could be wrong, maybe he's taller than I thought. Other than that he keeps asking because I'm flipping awesome...duh. Now if I could only get Charmer or SM2 to give it a shot. Do you think they need more encouragement?

I didn't call him back right away because he called at 10 o'clock at night. So I figured I would call back on my lunch break, which I didn't. I called him after work. I told him I would go and then he gave me full on details, no joke, he told me what we were doing, where we were going to dinner and then the activity afterwards, he even told me about how long the date would last! I joked around with him for a bit and then there was the awkward silence so we finally said 'goodbye'. I'm naming him #5 by the way, because never in my life can I recall having 5 dates in one year.

So I see #5 tonight and I avoid him. I mean, I didn't know what to say and I never really say anything to him after class anyway. I figure it was best to keep things normal. In the meantime Chill comes up to me and starts to have a literary discussion. It was kind of cool, didn't realize he was a deep individual. Then he says, "I heard you have an exciting date Saturday." I assumed he was talking about my date with #5 since it's the only one this summer. I just nodded my head, then Chill asks if I am in love with #5. I shook my head. Then he asked what Temple I was going to get married in, how many kids I wanted to have, etc. So I answered him and then he said, "Are you going to kiss him?" and I shook my head and he said, "Why aren't you going to kiss him if you're going to marry him?" I told him I didn't realize he asked what temple I was going to get married to in relation to #5. I'm not marrying #5, it's just a date people. So then Kermit comes up (I asked him earlier if when we make 'out' we can have rootbeer. He said, "I love rootbeer". I said "I know." ...I was trying to entice him). I tell B2 that Kermit wants to make 'out' with me now. Kermit nods his head enthusiastically. Then Coz Jr. walks by and Chill says, "Do you want to make out with her?" (he doesn't know they are cookies) and Coz Jr. says, "Oh yeah!" Chill (confused) says, "So you want to kiss Kermit?" and I said, "Kissing? Who said anything about kissing?" and he said, "I don't know how you make out but it involved kissing." I think I said, "gross" so he asked me how I make out. I said, "Flour, sugar, oatmeal, eggs, baking soda, etc." So I explained they are cookies. Coz Jr. says, "You've been holding out on me?" (he always asks if I'm going to make him cookies and I told him I'm not that kind of girl.) I told him we could make 'out' if he wanted to, just let me know when.

So B2 found out about my date Saturday from Chill asking me. A group of us went out to eat afterwards and I guess there was a lull in conversation because B2 says, "So, Honey, are you going to make out on your date?" I said ‘no’. He asked how come and I told him it wasn’t part of the date. Then B2 tells everyone that I’m really fun to make out with. I told everyone B2 wasn’t very good at it. He complained that it was his first time and I said it was mine too! Then I made sure to ask him loudly enough if he remembered how I couldn't stop laughing. All the guys (that's right, I was the only girl) start laughing. Then B2 explained they were cookies (probably because his pride had been dented).

Then everyone was asking about my date...nosey gossipers. I told them that this was date number 5 for the year, and I was pretty excited because my motto for the year was, “Get a Date in ‘08” I've done pretty well for myself. But I wasn't sure what to have for '09. B2 said, "Have a good time in '09" and I told him I would. Then I said maybe I could get engaged and it would be, "'Bout time in '09". IDK, I have about four more months to pick it out. I'm signing off now because honestly, this is just way too long. Hope I didn't forget any details. Sorry if I did.

1 comment:

C$ said...

WAIT! I'm so confused! Who are these people?! And who is this boy that's been persistent in asking you out? I feel so far away...