Sunday, August 10, 2008

Chapter 156: Boys to do the dishes; boys to clean up my room; boys to do the laundry

Church was interesting today. Lots of boys, lots and lots of boys. Made me happy. To begin, I got to church late, but luckily for me hoards of teenagers were standing outside of the chapel looking in at their possible future, so I was able to slip in without having to open the door and get lots of looks. I quickly sat down on the back row between two chairs that had personal belongings on them so I felt certain that someone was sitting there, I looked over and saw my friend Short Stack and motioned to her asking if I could sit by her. She nodded and I got to sit with her, thus being only one person away from Charmer. That made me a little happy, but unfortunately I’m back to my moronic self so I barely said a word to him. Our knees touched though once, it was magical. (Obviously I’m not the kind of girl who actually thought it was magical, so please stop rolling your eyes and start laughing.)

I got to church just before they began to pass the sacrament. When that was finished and the guys got up to sit in their seats I noticed Chill! He’s back! I was so excited, it felt like it’s been so long, who knows how long it really has been I’m not sure. He went to the seat he had before a lot of people came and grabbed his stuff since people had taken his spot, then he looked a little lost. I almost scooted over for him but this cute, blond girl did it first and she was closer, so he sat with her. Then someone came to sit by me, found her friends, and got up to sit with them, happened to be the row Chill was barley fitting on, so for a moment it looked like he was to be seat-less again and I made a motion so he would know there was room next to me if he needed it, but then there ended up being enough space for him. After Sacrament we were talking and I told him how I cried buckets every night that he was gone. Then he told me that he wouldn’t be back for long, he’ll be here next week but after that he won’t and then after that he goes back to school. I told him I still have his Marvel book and that I took excellent care of it and made sure no harm came to it. I also told him how I bought two comic books, one of the essentials with all the story line, and then one of the Joker. He said I was totally a geek and I told him I’ve learned to embrace it. We talked about Batman then, we’ve both seen it and I told him how people got together Friday night to see it but I couldn’t stay to see such a late showing. He said he wants to watch the first one and then go see it again, but he said he’d have to go see it alone since everyone has already seen it. I wasn’t sure what he meant but I’m getting a little better at picking things up and I told him I’d go see it with him. Like a couple of months ago when he told me I should watch “Unbreakable” for research for my story I’m writing and he said that he’d even watch it with me. Like watching a movie is a chore or something for me. But I liked the idea of watching a movie with him, I’m not going to lie, I like this kid a little bit. But then he went away to do EFY and we never got to watch it. So, do I think we’re going to go see Batman? Not likely, but it was a nice thought for a while.

So while I’m talking to him, Intern comes up to us and interjects about our movie party last night, it was an all girls movie party and he was a little bitter, I told him he could come, but he'd have to wear pink and sing for us, oh and be our 'almost to gay to function' friend. So then Intern and Chill start talking about that. Suddenly Bachelor No Go comes up and starts setting up home teaching with me (keep in mind, I haven’t moved from my spot), then I see Soul Mate #2 walk by so I say ‘hi’ to him and he turns quickly and starts talking to me, but No Go is still talking and doesn’t realize that Soul Mate #2 is talking, but then SM2 realizes that No Go is talking so he does a little hand gesture and mouthed something like, “I’ll talk to you later.” So I smile and nod real quick and finish setting things up with No Go.

It was crazy, but it was pretty much the highlight of my day….why you ask? Because I didn’t have to move an inch and I talked to four attractive boys.

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