Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Chapter 153: It's all about the wizard staffs

Last night I went to Institute. I tried to mentally prep myself for when B2 would
ask me to go out to eat afterwards, because another goal of mine has been to tell him ‘no’ one of these times. But then I was worried about saying ‘no’ because for some reason I was worried he’d be hurt. Not that it matters whether or not I actually hang out with him, but I had my reasons, and I can’t seem to put them into intelligible words so I’m not going to bother. It didn’t matter though, the moment institute ended two of my friends cornered me and one friend mentioned how hungry she was and she thought it would be great if we went out to eat. I asked her is she meant to invite me and she just nodded her head. I couldn’t say ‘no’ to them, they never hang out after institute. But then they asked me what was around there, so I had to tell them that B2 always decided where to go. So they talked to him for a bit while I went to talk to other people. I told Kermie that I met his new roommate (SM2 will be living with him) so we talked for a while. Then I found my friends and talked to them for a bit. But then I had to go to the bathroom, and when I came back my two friends who started this whole adventure of going out to eat afterwards were gone, they had headed over to the restaurant. So I find B2 and ask if I can follow him because I don’t know my way around downtown. He tells me that he’s going to get into his car, but not leave yet, just get people to hurry up and get in their cars and follow. I ask him if he’d like me to follow in my car and do the same to further hurry people up. So I get in mine and pull up behind him. Then The Sociologist (so named because he is a people watcher, and I thought I liked to watch people) starts coming towards my car. I’ve figure out at this point that he’s decided (not asked) that he’s going to ride with me. I locked the door and mock scream. He just laughs, so I unlock the door. He hops in the front seat and says, “I want to take a video of you.” Uh….okay. I say, “of me screaming?” he laughs. “Just a video.” So he precedes to pull out his camera and starts taking a video. I hate being video taped. But he finally starts asking me questions, interviewing me. Asking me where my nickname comes from, how it originated. Finally the video stops. Then B2 asks me to call the friend…the Musician (for now) and see if they are at the restaurant. She says her and The Actuary (- because that’s the best my brain can do right now, plus if you notice I’m whipping out nicknames tonight, so I’m drained. She’s always correcting people, one of her favorite words is, “Actually”) are already there. Then she asks me to check up on her sister, to see if she is still there (apparently she just left her sister…) I tell her she is and ask if she wants me to give her a ride. So I pick up another passenger, with her comes my new…what does Moxie call them…Charmer. Yes, folks, I have a new charmer, who is actually an old charmer and I’m pretty sure it’s just his pretty face who reminds me of someone I know. So, I guess I’ll just call him Charmer. I had to quickly clean out my backseat. At first I thought it was just for one, so I pushed everything to the side, Sociologist hops out of the car and tries to help me and he finds the big stick I picked up from church three weeks ago and says, “What’s this your wizard staff?” and I laugh and say, “Yup, I play Dungeons and Dragons every Friday night.” “really?” he asks, “No,” I shake my head. His response, “Cause that would be really cool if you did.” So I told him that I used to date a guy who played every weekend…date as in, I went on a few dates with him…you guys remember D&D right? So then Charmer starts to go for the other side and I asked him if I was giving him a ride too, he said he guessed so, since Musician was his ride home. So I run to the other side and completely clean up my car (good a time as any) and he gets in, noticing the stick as well, I tell him Sociologist says it’s my wizard staff. He laughs and says that’s ‘awesome’ – what is it with these boys?
So we go to the restaurant and there are so many of us that they split us up. We’re near each other, but not quite. The only boy of the four that came with us that sat near me was Sociologist, the other three sat at a both with two other girls. The rest of my table was girls. Not that I mind, but I’m a single girl and well, Charmer was at the other table. So B2 comes over to hang out at our table for a bit, so I jump up and take his spot, which so happened to be sitting next to Charmer. I get to talk to that group for about 5 minutes and then B2 wants his spot back because the waiter has brought the water…lame.
So I go back to my group, take a bunch of pictures, some videos with Sociologist, I think but am not certain that I may have met Eeyore’s stalker, but I can’t be certain at this point. Then while we are waiting for our food B2 came over again. I sat there for a while, took a video (sociologist really likes to take videos and he asked me to take one of him and B2). But when I finished with that I decided to go back to Charmer’s table. I started conversation where it had been, which turned out to be a hit with those people. I guess I’m funny or something, I just wanted to finish what I was going to say before B2 so rudely interrupted me. This time I got to stay longer, and the best part was, I wasn’t being socially awkward and I barely knew anyone at this table. One small step for goals over all, one giant leap for goal #1.
I just lost my train of thought, that and I want to go read another chapter in Breaking Dawn, so I’m going to end this one like this. Sorry.

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