Friday, September 26, 2008

Why the copious flow of lachrymal fluid, my garrulous canine? - Daffy Duck

Interesting, anyone else realize what an extensive vocabulary Daffy Duck had? Might just be the difference between our cartoons and todays cartoons...who knew it was happening.

ANYWAY, on to the story.

I had a pretty good evening, until about 9:20. That’s when SFHB got home. When I hear that she is home I live in fear of her coming into my room. She came downstairs to use the bathroom and then I heard her knock on my door and Pup’s head came up and he looked towards the door, but I pretended not to notice. Sometimes I hate the innocence of dogs because he just kept looking at the dumb door. So finally I slowly turned and looked behind me and there she was. Apparently a look is enough permission to open the door. I didn’t smile, I didn’t say come in but there she was opening the door. Pup got up and I grabbed a hold of his collar to keep him in place. I had made a cake tonight and so she asked about that, I knew she would. She said, “So, did you make that cake for everyone or just for you?” I said (still looking at my dog…I hadn’t looked at her the whole time she’d been in my room) “It’s for me.” Sometimes I say this, and am serious but I’ll say, “Just kidding,” or I’ll smile or something. But this time I kept looking at the dog, I didn’t look up at her, I didn’t say I was just kidding, I just waited for her to either say something or leave (I was hoping for the leave part).

So then she says, “Oh you’re watching Dr. Quinn,” and she kept talking about how much she used to watch it when she was younger (believable with the amount of TV she watches). Johnny Cash was in the episode I was watching so she starts to go off on how she had never realized Johnny Cash was on the show…uh, probably for the same reason I never realized it, we didn’t know who he was when we were younger. I was ten when the episode came out and she was probably 13. Then she goes on about how the show was filmed near her house in California. Just like I’ve heard a million different times before about how certain shows were filmed near her house, or sometimes she’ll say, “You know this building from this movie? That’s right near my house in Utah (or California),” or “that’s where my high school had prom.” Blah, blah, blah, apparently every damn thing I’ve watched was filmed near her house. It’s so annoying to try to watch something with someone saying they lived near the scene.

So I’m still holding Pup back with my hand and she says I can let him go but I tell her I don’t want him to jump. The reality was that I needed something to be “involved” in, kind of like when I pretend to be asleep during awkward, annoying, or stressful conversations. Unfortunately I can’t be one of two people in a conversation and suddenly pretend to fall asleep…it only works in group settings where I’m not a pivotal converser. I’m no narcoleptic –maybe I could pretend to develop it. Do you think I could pull it off?

Anyway, she asked how my day went, I said it went well; it was Friday so it was good. Finally she gave me the play by play of her evening…finish making dinner and watching TV. Exciting, thanks for telling me, I don’t know what I would have done without that information.

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