Friday, September 12, 2008

I swear if I weren't at work right now!

I promised myself that I wouldn’t get on here and write anything bad about anyone because I’m trying to be a better person (really trying this time). But I got an e-mail from Tyrant this morning asking if we had a year’s worth of activities planned. I wrote back and told her we hadn’t done that yet because we were waiting for our committee and when that happened we would plan our activities (what’s the point of a freaking committee if you don’t use them to help you plan things). It’s the beginning of September, you really think that I thought of planning out 2009!? So I let it go, I wasn’t upset at the time, I just simply told her that we didn’t have that planned yet and she just wrote me back a few minutes ago and said:

“We are planning a budget this Sunday…so I need to know about how much you are planning on spending.”

…I have no clear, coherent, or friendly response to that. I don’t know what to say. So far my e-mail says, “For 2009?!” and I’ve already deleted, “are you crazy?” “There’s no way I can get that information for you.” “I would have to pull the number out of my ass because you didn’t give me any time to even think about it.” “Why the hell are you just telling me this now?”

All I’m saying is that It would have been nice to know before Friday! I’m so flipping mad about this right now. You cannot contact me two days before you need a 12-month calendar and budget telling me you need those things. This information would have been nice a couple of weeks ago, or maybe even on Sunday so I could have had time to actually meet with my Enrichment Leader.

Here’s my e-mail so far:

For 2009? How long have you known about this? Because telling me the Friday before is the stupidest thing in the world. There is no freaking way I can get any of that information to you, do you think I sit around and plan these activities so randomly that on a whim I’d be ready to have them for you? I have a life, I have two jobs, I cannot be expected to pull this information up on two days notice! When I received this calling the one thing I was certain of was that my Enrichment Leader wouldn’t feel like I was taking everything from her and what you are asking me to do, plan a 12 month calendar with activities and also a budget with little chance of being able to even tell my Enrichment Leader is forcing me to do exactly that. I am doing your stupid pool party at the end of September (it’s already too chilly to have one), I have put up with your ideas for activities, told my Enrichment leader about them and we have prepared to do those. All I’m asking for is actual time to plan some decent activities with my Enrichment Leader. It is not okay for you to spring this information on me at 9:30 on a Friday morning telling me that on Sunday you want this information. It’s impossible asshole.

Is it over the top?

It might be. Maybe I should calm down before I write her back. Maybe I should ask to be released from this calling because Tyrant is not someone that I can easily work with. I just met with the bishop last night and he didn’t say anything to me. Why didn’t he say anything to me? I told him how we were going to plan our activities when we got our committee and he didn’t say, “Well, actually I was expecting a calendar and budget on Sunday.”

So you know what, let me pull out a ridiculous number and tell them $500-$600, that should cover whatever we plan to do right? And then some. The Bishop did say that I should ask for more money because there’s a small opening where the Stake is going to give us more money.

She’s being asinine about this. I can’t think of how to respond in a way where I don’t say something I may or may not regret later. I just want to ask her when I’m supposed to be able to do that. I mean, I know that I don’t do much at work, but I can’t put on my thinking cap and whip out activities and the budget while at my desk and I work tomorrow and I’m supposed to go to this stupid pig pickin’ thing tomorrow night (which I’m not but she doesn’t know that) and I’m just wondering when she thought I was going to whip all this out? I just want to pull the surgery card even though my surgery yesterday wasn't big or anything and tell her that I have a crater in my lip and the right side of my mouth is swollen and I don't feel like putting up with her crap.

I cannot stand her at this particular point in time. And I curse her for ruining my “good” streak. I know 7-10 days isn't that long, but it was long for me.

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