Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Chapter 170: Moxie101 - How to Grow a Backbone

Dangit why do I blog so much? I already have a SFHB blog I am trying to put together (my notes are at home so I'll have to blog during lunch or after work).
I just wanted to update on my pathetic life for a second.
Monday night we had FHE, I wasn't going to go but SM2 was actually going to be there and he never goes so I went. I only found out because Moxie is trying to teach me to have moxie and she made me IM him on Facebook Sunday night. He said that he was going to FHE and I said, "You at FHE?" which started a little conversation where we sarcastically spoke of life. He said he should be spiritual sometimes and I said that's probably good and he said, "yeah but I shouldn't make a habit of it." which I thought was funny. Then conversation lulled for a bit...go figure.
So Monday night he was there, but as soon as the lesson was over this girl pulled a bunch of people into the other room to play Apples to Apples, he was one of them. So I started to talk with a girl from church and then got pulled into playing Rock Band a couple of times. I saw SM2 in the kitchen talking to his roommates girlfriend but I didn't go over until later. Finally I got up the "moxie" and went over and joined their conversation. Almost immediately a girl I love and hate (cause she's so flirty) Spunk, comes over and starts talking to him in off. Then Kermie comes over to round up his car to leave and SM2 rode with him. So he says goodbye to his roommates girlfriend and then he said goodbye to me and his arms had kind of come up but then they went back down when he said goodbye and then he said, "Give me a hug," and I, sounding like a stupid girl says, "Okay," and I gave him a hug. But then I ended up leaving at the same time as them anyway. So a group of us are talking in the front yard and and Kermie remembers he has to tell B2 something so he runs back in and we keep talking. Then when Kermie gets back we all head towards our cars. I tell spunk this is a shady neighborhood so I'm glad I had someone to protect me as I walked to my car and SM2 says, "Yeah she wanted a strong man to walk her to her car." I paused and said, "Oh I was talking about Spunk, but you'll do." Then Spunk and SM2 began to speak Italian again and I told them to speak English. When SM2 laughed I said, "Oh did I say that aloud?" Then we said goodbye and I went home.

Oh! While at FHE soul patch held my hand! Okay, here's the story. So I was standing in the kitchen, near the doorway but not in the doorway. I was talking to this girl as we looked at all the wedding announcements on the refrigerator. As I was standing there someone touched my butt! It was an accident but felt intentional, and after seeing who it was it creeped me out even more. It wasn't like I was in anyone's way. Then a couple of minutes later someone is walking by to the left of me and their hand hits my hand just right it also felt intentional. There was a split second where I was holding someone's hand, so I look to see who I just shared an awkward moment with and it was Soul Patch. I look at him and he slightly looks back in that awkward kind of way like, "Do I apologize or do we just let that slide?" You can bet that if we ever have a conversation again I'm bringing it up! "Hey Soul Patch, remember that time we held hands?"

In other boy news, I had talked to Moxie (the only one who bothered giving me advice on A&W mentioned several posts ago...thanks guys for all your support...sarcasm) about A&W and she said that it sounded like he wanted to keep having conversations with me but didn't know how...or something that made it more bearable. Because honestly these e-mails are awkward (how many times can I use the word "awkward" in one blog?) But I wrote back and began my e-mail like so:
...I hope you're kidding about eating the squirrel. But if you're not, did it taste like chicken?
Then I went on and told him about the cookie bake off, responded to the UT still being there remark and then asked him how church was post-mission and what he does with his life now that's he's not on a mission, I mean, despite mourn the fact that he's no longer in Virginia.
I asked questions, I tried to make this easier.
I sent that early morning of the 1st (and remember I said I wasn't a patient person and I forget how recently I did something so I think the person is taking longer? Thank goodness the message tells me the first because I had thought it had been longer since I wrote him). While thinking it had been a while I began to doubt Moxie (sorry!) and assumed that trying to put more effort into my e-mails was a mistake. I figured that would be the end of it, I would never hear back from him (I've had that happen before so it's not like I'm pulling this stuff out of thin air)...thin air? Isn't it always thin? I mean...whatever, get back on track.
Then last night he wrote back (after I had gone to bed so I got it this morning). Started off a little normal, then went back to, "how do I respond to this?"
He told me he really did eat squirrel on his mission, so I figure I'll let him know we buried one on Monday. He went on to tell me that he is now an uncle, and that he had just gotten back from the hospital. He said about the nephew, "so good stuff going on in my life, yours??" I don't understand the two question mark approach. Was it a typo? Is he excited? really interested in knowing what is going on? Then he asked me how the family was and "Everyone else if that makes sense." Which actually up until this moment I thought it said, "Everyone else that makes sense." I didn't see the if before. Well, no, it doesn't make sense...with either way I read it...what's being asked here? The first time I read it I didn't know 'who else makes sense', because that didn't make sense. Now I realize he's asking how the family is and everyone else if that makes sense. I thought it I'm not sure, who is everyone else?
At least the message ended with "take care" rather than toodles...I didn't like toddles, it's not a manly expression, it's like a 30 year old guy signing off with TTFN...That's a tigger expression for those of you who don't know, 'Ta-ta for now'. It's okay for children to like that stuff, and maybe for high school girls to say it, but once you leave being a teenager you've got to let it go. I'm not even judging A&W on this one because he doesn't sign off with TTFN...I don't know why I went off on it, I don't know anyone who uses that expression anymore anyway. I guess the very mention of tigger sets me off because Ms. X loved everything tigger in high school and apparently I'm not over the emotional trauma I endured while being friends with her. I should have never mentioned tigger I have only myself to blame for that one.

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