Friday, September 26, 2008

You Can't Sit With Us!

I'm obviously on a Mean Girls movie quote kick.

Last night Diva, Short Stop, and Actuary came over to watch Le’ Office (it’s The Office in English). Diva had asked that afternoon if they could come and I told her that would be fine, but if SFHB bugs me (because I knew chances were high that she would be glued to the love seat) that I would retreat to my bedroom. For the season premiere of The Office that seemed permissible to her and they came over close to 9.

I was downstairs in my room when they came so SFHB answered the door. They came down (luckily not followed by SFHB) to see my room. We had the door closed because my dog was in the room so they took that opportunity to tell me that when they came in and told SFHB what they were there for she said, “I don’t think she has cable in her room.”

…SFHB, let’s sit down and have a chat here, you know I don’t have cable in my room. Even if I did why would four people try to squeeze unto my one couch anyway when there are more than enough comfortable seats in the living room? Why is the living room her room all the time? Why do I have to ask her if we can watch The Office? Why the hell has she been in the same spot since I got home at 5 o’clock and it’s now 9 o’clock?? But, you know, whatever.

So we watch The Office with SFHB, who by the way didn’t move at all when we came in and asked if we could watch, she laid on the love seat while Diva, Actuary and I sat on the couch and Short Stop took the recliner. It’s not like it was a terrible inconvenience but you could move a little to show you’re at least willing to share. No one probably wanted to sit by her anyway, and it’s not a good spot if you want to watch the TV, unless you can lean back or lay on it. So, that’s me trying to give her the benefit of the doubt (enjoy it, it won’t happen often).

After the show was over the girls got up to leave and Short Stop starts saying how she’s going to get up on fast Sunday and bear her testimony about how wonderful we are because we let them come in their time of need to watch the show. Then I piped up saying that she could only thank me because I was the only person who helped them out (this was because I had picked up on the fact that Short Stop was mocking MM about how she went off on how wonderful Tyrant was and how she was the only one who helped paint the house). So then one of them (can’t remember who) said that they should thank Pack Rat and that got me laughing because we all knew Pack Rat was out of town. Then they threw in Moxie too. I thought it would be funny because they would thank people who weren’t even there. But since they did eat Moxie’s candy it seemed appropriate to thank her for the evening.

After they left SFHB started to talk about how they were mocking MM and she asked me how they could still live with her after they knew what she’s like…my response, “Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do because we already agreed to do them.” Just so you know, I didn’t have MM and them in mind; I had me living with SFHB in mind. She took my line and said, “I know, I mean, I’m living with you.” She probably really did mean it as a joke, but I took the opportunity to go to my room and pretend to be upset. I kind of hope she did mean it, because things are better when feelings are mutual.

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