Thursday, September 11, 2008

Screw Chapters...

I'm really sorry to anyone who got an e-mail with just a chapter heading. That was my mistake though I don't consider it one. All I did was hit the Enter button. I don't think I should be punished for hitting the enter button especially since it's a habit. I also don't think that if you hit the enter button while typing the title that it should publish the post.

Now I just had to waste time writing a paragraph explaining myself about the strange e-mail. I was already planning on wasting a paragraph writing about my title heading, so now I have to waste two paragraphs, ugh! This is the second blog of it's type. The original Brutally Honest had chapter headings as did this one, and this one alone has had 172 (at least that's the number coming to mind) and I'm tired of trying to keep track of the chapter numbers. I thought about starting a number 3 (so the chapters would start over at 1) but I don't think I'm going to keep writing in this blog much longer anyway so that idea was out. So my solution to the problem is to screw chapters.

I don't really have anything exciting to write about. I'm just bored at work killing time until I leave for my doctor's appointment. The most interesting thing I've done today is watched as two rival parties attain guests. Here's the scoop, earlier this week Girl A sent out a party invite for this Friday 7-11:55 (this is all on Facebook). Last night a girl who had RSVPed as going to this movie party on Friday night sent out an invite for a bon voyage party for her friend, Friday night (same one) 8-12:05. How lame is that? Then adding insult to injury she invited the host of the other party. So it has been my preoccupation today to check the guest list from time to time to see which morons are saying 'yes' to both parties and to see if 'Host A' accepts 'Host B's invitation. A lot of the same guests for Host A's party have RSVPed as going to Host B's party as well. Pure Pandemonium. It's just ridiculous to me and I'm sitting here wondering if Host B forgot her brain on this one? I mean...who schedules a party to over lap another party? I could understand if you didn't know, but when you are a confirmed guest to said other party you damn well know that something else is already happening that night. Please people, think before you plan.

Yes, I'm that bored.

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