Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I'll be writing about SFHB tonight when I get home from work. But I just wanted to vent about The Mold a little bit more. Yesterday she was kicked out of the bedrooms and forced to sleep on the couch. This morning my parent's found her sleeping in Burrito's room. She told them that Burrito had a nightmare and came and got her. First off...my take on this - if Burrito had a nightmare he's not going to make the trip down the stairs into the dark ground level, he's going to stop of at my parent's door and give it a try. We're talking about the kid who is afraid to change his clothes if he is the only one upstairs.

This is an e-mail from my sister.

"Okay. So mom and I just had our lunch break. She told me again how mad she was that The Mold was in there. Then, she told me that The Mold thought that by mom telling her to get her stuff out of the kids room and put it, I am guessing moms office, that that meant she could stay for the holidays. Mom told her no that is not what that meant. Mom gets mad that dad locks up the house and then The Mold gets calls at 11 or 1 in the am and dad feels he can’t sleep cause he is worried you won’t lock the house back up. Mom asked her why she didn’t go to the vet that was hiring. She said cause she thought she could get something better. Mom said you need to build your resume! I don’t know if I told you, but Spam saw beer in The Mold's car the other night. Mom asked The Mold about it and she said it was her co-workers from the hair seminar thing. Mom said it is pretty dumb of you, who worked so hard to get your license and you have a breathalyzer in your car. The Mold said “It isn’t mine” cop isn’t gonna care!!!"

She's a moron. I don't even have time to get upset over this.

1 comment:

The Chubby One said...

Or apparently even give it a title.