Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Face it girls, I'm older and I have more insurance.

I think I've been doing well...don't you? I haven't complained, I haven't gone off (in this blog at least) even my verbal complaining to Moxie hasn't been as bad as it could be. I've felt very sedate since the last blog entry (with the exception of hearing about Motor Mouth's lesson on Sunday...but I had to channel everything somewhere at some time and why not there?) I tried to convince myself that SLHB does not do things on purpose, such as take my spot. I was thinking that I was paranoid, or that I needed a reason to get angry at her so my mind gave me reasons such as, "she knows that's my spot, so she must be parking in it to piss me off." and it was working (both my mind making me angry at her and her pisses me off). But lately I've told myself to not get angry about it, didn't stop me from parking behind her on Monday, thus blocking her in and yes, I did have to move my car when she went to the store, but it was worth it.

So here's a little back story to why I'm writing you so early on a Wednesday morning. Last night Moxie spent the night at her parent's and this morning Pack Rat had to be at the airport a 6:00 in the a.m. the math, that leaves two cars, two people = two cars. I am obviously already parked being as I am sound asleep at 6:00 in the morning. Pack Rat is parked in the street because she's considerate and she'll be out of town until Sunday (thank you Pack she doesn't read this). Moxie has her car. Last night when I went to bed Slut faced Ho Bag was parked in the street as well. So this HUGE driveway only had my little car in it. So my dog wakes up at 6:30 (half an hour more and I would have slept until my alarm clock went off...blasted dog).

(Digression, I think I hear her upstairs and if I do I'm going to go run for the shower and beat her to it because I'm being a brat now).

Back to our regular scheduled program. So I let the dog into the backyard to do his deal. I run inside to go to the bathroom real quick and when I come out again I notice the parking situation...I took pictures because I need you to know what I saw this morning. Remember every little detail I told you before, how we have a big driveway, how we're the only ones here. She left this morning and came back, etc. Then look at the pictures.

Yes, I see that I can maneuver my way out of the driveway, I'm not completely blocked in, but that would have been a difficult task to block me in with one P.O.S. vehicle. But take a look at the picture below.

I hope you can see it, I hope you can see that there is a perfectly adequate parking spot to the left, a spot she could have parked in. I have to wonder now if SFHB did this on purpose or if she is just the stupidest person I have ever encountered. I would like to think that she's not the stupidest person, but unfortunately she doesn't leave me much option. And if she's not the most stupidest she has to be the most aggravating.

She's so much like the Antagonizer, and I'm not trying to insinuate anything, but SFHB is part Canadian and so was the Antagonizer....hmmm. But the Antagonizer was cooler because she was also part Australian and she didn't talk to her mom on the phone all the time (I mean ALL the time, Moxie and Diva can back me up on this one).

Anyway, just thought I would give you a little snack so you would know I haven't completely disappeared. Better go get the shower just in case!


C$ said...

Why in the world did she do that?! She is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

What was MM's lesson on? I went to Gayton on Sunday because my brother was giving his welcome home from the mish talk. Living with her again has been...well...interesting. We don't really talk. And that's fine by me.

G Sauce said...

You need to steam roll that thing.

The Chubby One said...

Trust me I would like to.

C$ I have no clue what her lesson was on...