Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chapter 148: The MOTD

I decided to dedicate this blog to Moxie, the first known case of a Make Out Transmitted Disease, heretofore referred to as the MOTD (MO-TED), and it has to the “the MOTD” because it sounds more seriously that way.
Moxie (hope you don’t mind me splashing the details of your love life) made out with #38 last night. #38 is not a name for someone, it’s just a number, but I suppose should 38 ever make an appearance in my blog then it will be a name, but I digress. This morning she e-mailed informing me that she was in bed with a disease and a broken nose…I don’t want to know. But I feel like #38 knew he had a disease and purposefully gave it to her. Petunia said it was AIDS and so Moxie wondered if a symptom is salad cravings. Then she changed her mind to a Tuna melt and asparagus, to which I diagnosed her as having syphilis. Yes folks, I know these are STDs but the scary thing is, they are also tied to The MOTD. Other MOTDs include chaffed lips (or rather the delicate skin around the lips, caused by stubble, his not hers), hickeys, and apparently, a broken nose…or a lesion, my money is on Moxie having a lesion. My condolences.

Other than that nothing too interesting is happening. I mean there are always interesting things happening in my life, but I don’t really feel like writing about the two that are going on…err, I mean, the plethora of interesting events that occur on a daily basis. Maybe I’m getting shy about splashing my heart and soul on here, maybe I’m getting lazy, maybe I want more feedback. It’s difficult to say.

Who knows, maybe I’ll think of something to write while I’m having trouble falling asleep tonight and you’ll get one more before I head out of town. You should be so lucky.


e said...

im famous!

G Sauce said...

that moxie is a slut-faced-ho-bag or a SFHBag. no wonder she has a disease.

The Chubby One said...

No judging!