Sunday, July 13, 2008

Chapter 136: My Saturday in a Nutshell

Yesterday we had Enrichment. Last time we had enrichment we had a total of 6 people, and three of them were there to teach us how to dance. So I was a bit nervous about the attendance this time, especially because I had opened it up to the guys. We had 15 people there! Which seems like a sad and pitiful number but I was elated. That’s the best attendance we’ve had so far. Only 1 was a guy though, which was odd, but I’m grateful at least one decided to show up. Totally disappointed in the others though.
Afterwards I think I got asked out by the lone guy. He came up to ask if we needed any help cleaning up and I told him I think we have it because all the stuff to clean up would have to be done after everyone stopped eating. Beans jumps in and starts to get on my case about not accepting his help in front of him. She’s a little impassioned sometimes, I think it comes from not having enough drama in her own life. So she tells him he can haul the trash out when we are done, and then he explains that he has to leave soon because he has a date at 1. Then Beans goes off on how the guys don’t date, she’s not even in the single’s ward for goodness sakes. Then he mentions that for his date he’s actually the third wheel because his date cancelled the night before. Then he “nonchalantly” I put quotation marks because it wasn’t really, but I feel certain that was the desired effect, asks me if I want to go. I was a bit thrown off by it and had opened my mouth to respond though for the life of me had no clue what was about to come out when my sister interrupts and tells him I already had plans (which is completely true, I had planned three weeks ago to go out to lunch with my mom and my sisters afterwards since I had invited all of them to come to Enrichment). Still it seemed rude to me. I did apologize though, because I felt bad that his date cancelled and wondered who his date had been. Then I began to wonder if the only reason he came was to try and get someone to go on this date with him last minute. Which I didn’t mind because two weeks ago when I announced it I said, “Whatever gets you there.” So you know, whatever gets you to Enrichment, I’m not going to judge.
Speaking of dating, horrible thing to say though I’m going to say it, I kind of miss DND. I don’t think that we would work because as I have said before there was no attraction, no desire to be close to him or hold his hand or anything like that. But sometimes when I think about dating I think about how easy it would have been to just date DND, the guy was strangly really into me, if only I had liked him in return. We are friends on Myspace, that’s how he originally asked me out, and so I looked at his profile and he has a new picture and he’s in a renaissance outfit because it’s summer time and he does the renaissance fairs. My initial thought was that it was a cute outfit. The renaissance stuff, the dungeons and dragon stuff, none of that truly bothered me…so why couldn’t I be attracted to him? Sorry, just a little moment there. It’s past. Let’s move on to the good stuff.
SF-HB tells me this morning that she’s not feeling well and she’s debating whether or not to go to church, and my response, “You already made that decision last week,” and she’s all, “No, it has nothing to do with that.” So I’m supposed to just believe it’s a coincidence that last week you told me you don’t plan to come for the next two weeks and suddenly you’re “sick” this morning. But not too sick because you seem to be fine and chipper until you decide to tell someone that you aren’t going to make it, and then you put on the pouty face. She says to me, “Don’t make me feel bad.” And I said, “Sorry in advance, but that’s what I do.” I’m not going to try to appease people like that, I have too many of them in my life. Sister-in-law is one of them and I can’t stand how she always comes up with an excuse not to go to church, just face it, you’re inactive, embrace it rather than trying to put up a front and act like you’re not. Not that SF-HB is inactive, that was a rant on my sister-in-law. I’m tired of people pretending to be something they aren’t. Maybe I’m just cranky this week who knows, but all I know is that if SF-HB doesn’t come to church I’m left alone with Tyrant…thank you SF-HB I hope you enjoy your afternoon of lying around in your PJs watching Lifetime Originals while I have to fend for myself.
It was so nice for three weeks not to see Tyrant, I was even happy to see her yesterday at Enrichment, but that quickly changed when she called me up last night asking me to make the bulletin for July and August. First off, there is a separate calling for making the bulletin; it is no where in my “job description”. Secondly I don’t have the “template” on my home computer, that’s a ‘bored at work’ thing I do. Thirdly, my printer doesn’t work; it’s not even set up because it hasn’t worked for so long. I still haven’t gotten back to her about it, I have this horrible habit of just ignoring things I don’t want to deal with, I’m so my parent’s child.

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