Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chapter 138: Write it in the Book.

So SF-HB has been bothering me again, oh what the heck she hasn’t stopped. I mean, we have our moments, but she’s got horrible timing. Last night I get home from Institute in my cranky mood, so I don’t feel like talking to anyone. Sometimes I think she hears me come in because she seems to come down the moment I get in my room, but that wasn’t true for last night, I’ve just wanted to get that out for a while now. But last night she comes in my room telling me that Packrat had the funniest quote for our quote wall (we are going to have a wall of quotes with funny/embarrassing things that we say…just like college). So she apparently came down to write it on one of my post-it notes because she doesn’t seem to own any paper or pens (remember I was already cranky at this time). So I just say, “ok” and she says, “Do you want to hear it?” and I was half tempted to say, “Why? I can read it in two seconds.” But I bit my tongue and said, “Sure.” Do you see my effort? Even when cranky and anti social I am trying to watch the things I say to people’s faces. So she tells me the quote which to me isn’t the least bit funny in fact I find it incredibly inappropriate (for print, because let’s face it, I don’t have the cleanest comments out there but I try not to document my perversion) but to avoid being accused of ‘yelling’ at her I don’t say anything about how I don’t want that comment anywhere near mine, I don’t want to be overtly perverted by association. But I can tell you something else I didn’t do, I didn’t give her the laugh to make her feel okay. Sometimes I do that for people when they say something stupid or awkward I try to make them not feel so stupid or awkward, but I wasn’t in the mood, nor do I think that comment would have ever gotten that out of me despite whatever mood I was in. This means I stared at her with a straight face and a slight nod of my head. Yeah SF-HB you apparently don’t know what I would find funny. But she’s going on about how hard she was laughing, “Really?” I think to myself, “That’s the kind of statement that gets you rolling? You’re more immature than I thought.” I pictured a bright neon sign above her head blinking, “Trying too hard”. Then she asks me if everything was okay…why because I didn’t laugh at your story? Welcome to the real world, I’m not coddling anyone in this house; if they say something that I don’t actually think is funny they aren’t going to get a laugh. Except for Moxie because she gives me crack right before she tells me stories, and then I can’t help myself. I just don’t see the point in wasting the energy on something that’s not remotely humorous. SF-HB is in my personal burn book.


C$ said...

So I think we should have a secret Mean Girls party and make burn books. Ok, maybe not real burn books, but you know what I mean. But we really should have a Mean Girls party. That movie is freaking great.

C$ said...

And so true on so many levels about girls...