Thursday, July 10, 2008

Chapter 135: Peer Pressure is supposed to be a problem with teenagers, not young adults.

Why do I always feel so much pressure from Moxie to blog? I can’t even think of what to write at the moment because I’m not feeling strongly about something. Maybe in a few minutes I will be once I get started on something. But at the moment, I’ve got nothing.
As far as updates, last night Moxie was in my room showing me the new books she bought, SF-HB comes in and starts talking with us, then I made the stupid mistake of mentioning that I was going to be in Utah for the midnight release of the new Stephanie Meyers book. Turns out SF-HB will be there too and she thinks that her, Ducky and I should all go to the same place. I think Moxie can attest to my lame, caught off guard response of….’ok’, but said in a particular tone that hopefully didn’t reveal too much of my inner feelings. I don’t want to sound rude, but I probably will because I kind of am, but the last thing I want to do when I’m 2,000 miles away from home is to meet up with my roommate and hang out. I want to get away and it’s not just from the state, it’s from the people (not that they are bugging me or anything, it’s just what vacations are for). I don’t want to hang out with someone I can hang out with at home. It’s the larger scale of hanging out with your roommates at a party. Everyone knows it’s a bad idea, yet they keep doing it. Well, I know hanging out with my roommate while on vacation is a bad idea. I don’t want to hang out with her. In addition to, I’m very selfish with my Ducky time. I haven’t seen her since February, and I’m not going to be in Utah for long, so whatever chance I get to hang out with her I don’t much feel like sharing with someone else from home. I don’t mind meeting her friends out there, that is different, but when two people from 2,000 miles away are vying for the attention of one individual things are bound to get messy. I know I shouldn't make a big deal about it, because it’s probably not a big deal at all, but I am the baby in my family and therefore I’m entitled to be a spoiled brat. In the end it won’t be as bad as I’m imagining it, as long as it’s only for the book release. I absolutely refused to hang out with her more than that. I know it’s harsh, but look at it from my perspective please. I live with her, I don’t need much more time with her than that. Boy, aren’t you guys lucky that when I’m writing I can get more involved and dramatic about the situation than when I was actually living it? Sure does make for some good reading…I hope.
I can move on to boy drama since you’d probably like to hear a little bit of that. It’s not much drama though. Tuesday night in front of a witness I said that I would tell B2 ‘no’ when he asked me to come out to eat after Institute, because I knew he would ask, he always does. I was pretty darn determined to do it too. He showed up late to Institute so for a good hour I was conflicted, him not being there made it a lot easier to say ‘no’ since the question would never be posed, but I was slightly ticked that I had this determination and now nothing to use it on. But he showed up near the end and I prepared myself to say ‘no’. I was talking to a friend after class and he slowly approached and then said, “hey dinner buddy,” I could slash the word ‘buddy’ into a million pieces and it would still irritate me. He asked if I wanted to go out to eat and while doing so rubbed his face against my shoulder like a cat. I said ‘sure’…I hate him. My friend pointed out that he rubbed up against me like a cat so I scratched by his ear and called him a good kitty. What can I say, I hang out with my nephews too much, they are always pretending to be puppies and I scratch by their ears and talk to them like I would my dog, well a little nicer than I would my dog. So then he goes around and collects other people to come while I continue to talk to my friend and curse myself on the inside. I used to be so good at resisting peer pressure.
So as I’m talking to my friend I turn around and see that everyone who was going out to eat has disappeared, so I tell my friend I’d better get going. I get out of the building and see a car similar to B2’s driving away and think they left me, which hurts a little, but I get in my car and start to call B2 and ask where we are going when I see him come out the building. Which was an odd feeling since I thought he was already gone. I told him to ignore my phone call that he had already ignored and he said he would. Then he said that everyone was still inside, I suppose eating snacks around the corner (yes, eating before we go out) or going to the bathroom. So I went back in and kept talking to my friend and the teacher, then B2 came over and signed that we were leaving now, he actually signed, which worked out well since I know sign language. So I signed ‘ok’ back, but even then we weren’t really leaving. So I kept talking to the teacher and my friend.
Finally we got the group to get to the parking lot, there was talk of carpooling, but I just hopped in my car, I don’t like the idea of being separated from it. I watched the other people in my rearview because I was just going to be following them. Then B2 and this girl, Hiccup, are standing by the doors of my car and are asking if they can get a ride. So I let them in and we follow the other car to the restaurant.
I go to sit down and find myself sandwiched between two guys, not bad, but considering I’ve given up that portion of my life for a while I wasn’t as thrilled as I would have been a week ago, that added to the fact that where I was sitting I couldn’t really enter the conversation, rather I folded and unfolded my napkin for a while, occasionally saying something when asked a question. Then I got a text from Moxie saying I was missing girl talk, which I naively mistakened for missing a rumpus round of the 80’s game, Girl Talk. So I hopped out of the booth dialing her number to check on the action I was missing. She then informed me that it was just regular girl talk, as in girl bonding. Oddly enough I was okay with that.
I return to my seat to find that the Law student who had been on my right had already taken liberties with moving my glass of water to his former seat and now he was in my former seat. Knowing the disadvantages of my former seat I let him think he had a sweet victory when really it would turn out to be a bitter loss. Still, I was sandwiched between two guys, so I’m still doing better than the other two girls at the table. But not I had a wise crack to my left who apparently only said his jokes to me because he was taking a chance that I would appreciate them, he says, because I was Moxie’s roommate so we must have a similar sense of humor. Turns out we just might, and to my right I had the quiet smart ass, who would randomly say things to me, such as calling me strange because I balanced a knife on my finger…well excuse me if it’s some fine craftsmanship and I want to be like on Pirates of the Caribbean where I balance the full width of the blade. So I give Mr. Justice of the Peace a knife so he can feel it for himself and he agreed it was a fine knife. Now having him on my side I decided to balance a knife on either pointer finger, I was doing good until I tried to be all western and flip them in to be caught in my hands…at that moment I dropped one on the floor and repeated that our waiter probably hated me (I had already made a bad impression with the water).
Wise Crack kept bringing up things like "Comfort" the resturaunt B2 and I went to on our date and Frisbee gold the activity from our date and B2 would say, "Yeah, Honey and went there" or "Honey and I did that." Not that it bothered me, but well, I guess in a way it did otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it, but it doesn't seem to bother me...I don't know, it's difficult to explain.
When we were finished and had gone back to everyone’s cars I thanks Hiccup and B2 for inviting me….to drive. I just wanted to make it clear that I had not volunteered, but had been volunteered. It’s okay though, because I usually get lost after we go out to eat, but this time we returned to our starting point, and a place I was familiar with.
Well, if this entry is lame you can all blame Moxie for putting pressure on me to write when I didn’t have much of any importance to say, so this will probably be it until next week.

P.S. B1 is engaged, but unfortunately not planning to get married until January, I was hoping for sooner. Bummer.

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