Monday, July 28, 2008

Chapter 147: Happy Birthday Beatrix Potter

I think I have made a new BFF. It’s the strangest thing. I’ve been e-mailing this lady at the company who makes our nameplates, I’m trying to make sure that I order the correct ones and everything (we’ve been ordering a lot of signs and nameplates since the move). Well I e-mailed her on Friday and asked her a question about the coloring of one (yes, this is serious) and she didn’t e-mail me back on Friday. I was going to e-mail her today just to check but I got her e-mail a few minutes ago and she informed me that the two colors in question didn’t have any discernable differences. Which is nice because then I can just order like I regularly do. But then the e-mail continues, she asks me about my weekend, which is normal enough. Then she goes into her weekend, telling me about buying mascara and a pair “Jackie O” Chanel sunglasses. You know what, instead of paraphrasing, let me just post the exact words:

“Did you have a nice weekend? The highlight of mine was a visit to Saks to buy a new mascara (since it’s the same price whatever store you go to) and an accidental stop at the sunglasses counter where I discovered that I simply couldn’t live without a ‘Jackie O’ pair of Chanel sunglasses. Now I have to return several other things I’ve bought recently so it’s not as harsh an attack on the checkbook as it otherwise would be! I am SO bad about things like that!”

Just a reminder, our former e-mails were more like, “Are you referring to the 8X10 name plate? In silver?” with a response, “Yes, that’s the one.” I don’t even know what to write back, my adventures were not nearly as exciting as hers, at least not without a whole story behind them. I bought a flea collar for my dog, and gave him a bath, I filled up my gas tank…let’s see, what else did I buy this weekend. Oh I bought a new shirt! But it was $10 so it isn’t going to dent the bank account too much. I just don’t know what to write back, I feel that I should keep the friendly conversation going, but it’s weird because I don’t know anything about this woman, I don’t even know if we are close in age or if she is some 45 year old who just has to have these pair of sunglasses.

Other than that nothing interesting is happening. B2 and No-Go came over last night to play games. *Side note, No-Go broke up with his girlfriend this past week and I was so happy, not because I plan to step in or anything, but because his girlfriend was a moron. But Facebook has informed me that a lot of people have broken off their relationships this past week…note to self – must research why last week would have escalated the number of break-ups* Of course they were late. B2 told me 7:30 and at 7:30 he wasn’t there, neither was No-Go. No-Go showed up at 8:30 and by that time I wasn’t in the mood to play, I had found things to do down in my room, so I didn’t come up right away because I was doing them. Moxie and No Go were trying to call B2 to see where he was, but nothing. Finally he called Moxie and told her he fell asleep. Part of me just wanted to call a rain check but I didn’t say anything and he told Moxie he was on his way. Then he called No-Go to let him know even though Moxie told him that No-Go was sitting there with us. So he came and we played and I think No-Go was too afraid to bring his A-game with the girls (Pack Rat played with us too), so in the end B2 won, but I was close behind. In fact I was in the lead for a while but then things took a turn for the worst. I leave on a jet plane in 1.5 days!

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