Monday, October 29, 2007

Chapter 77: Stop Me if You've Heard This

This past Saturday night I got a flat trying to get out of my driveway. I’m going to spare (no pun intended) you the details because I am over it but to make a long story short I ran into the ditch, hit a broken piece of concrete just right and killed the tire. So I called Ducky and she came over and talked me through it which I thoroughly enjoyed because now I can say that I changed my own tired, self sufficiency here I come! So today I took my car to Pep Boys to get a new tire and maybe an oil change while I’m at it. While I was there I think I got hit on by one of the mechanics. Now I’m not altogether opposed to mechanics, there’s actually something very appealing about that oil stained hands baseball hats. My uncle’s a mechanic; my favorite cousin on my dad’s side is a mechanic. I’ve just never been hit on by one, which means I’ve never been hit on by one of those really attractive ones that I’m not altogether opposed to. Today was not the day where we find me in a situation where I’m waiting to be hit on and we don’t find the mechanic as the most appealing, probably because to me he is old enough to be friends with my dad, I say my dad’s friend rather than my dad because let’s face it, my dad is old. Regardless he has hit an age that is beyond my limit. I was standing there while he was taking lunch orders from the other guys and things quite down for a bit and he asks me how I’m doing. I politely answer back and ask him how he’s doing. I make small talk; I’m used to making small talk with strangers due to my former employment opportunities. He asks me if I want anything from the place he is going to get everyone else’s lunch and I tell him my sister is coming to pick me up so that’s okay, but thank you. Then one of the other guys starts giving him a hard time because he had complained about everyone else giving him orders but here he was asking a stranger. Someone else said something about flirting and I just tried to ignore all of that. Then I left and met my sister out in the parking lot, and the mechanic came out a couple of seconds later and told me to have a good day and waved and all. It was weird. But I don’t know if he is just that friendly or if I got hit on.
I have to go back after work and pick up my car and I kind of hope that he won’t be there, not that he was a creepy man or anything like that, but I find that whatever happened there this afternoon (someone being friendly or someone being flirty) makes me feel uncomfortable, and I’d rather avoid any future occurrences of that.
In the meantime yet another pair of pantyhose has gone to a better place. We went to the “pumpkin patch” (A.K.A. Strange’s (flowers)) today to get our pumpkins for our activity on Friday (at work). We first went to Wal-Mart and since they had a total of three pumpkins we called around and ended up at the flower shop, they had a million pumpkins! I think mostly because they over charge people, but whatever, my opinion doesn’t lower prices. We got 14 pumpkins and on the way back we took a turn and a pumpkin stem hit me in the leg, ripping my pantyhose, I know, late breaking story huh?
Also, since we are wondering about my wardrobe malfunctions I have fixed my squeaky shoes. My right shoe would squeak causing me to begin to walk funny in order to reduce the volume of the squeakiness. I did a little scientific investigation in the whys of my shoe squeaking problem, the first obviously being the width of my hobbit feet, the second I found that there is a lining made out of the same material as the shoe that rubs up against the shoe due to the width of my feet. Then I found that if pulled upon there can be space between these two pieces. So I grabbed a tissue, ripped it up and stuck little pieces all throughout, now I can sneak up on just about anybody!

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