Sunday, October 07, 2007

Chapter 68: Party Like A Rockstar

So MM is leaving…I don’t know how long but she’s going to be gone when I get home from work so I’m happy.
TDH e-mailed me at work yesterday. I had e-mailed him in the morning because I was about to blow my brains out with the boredom handgun. So I sent him a spelling test because I thought that would be funny of me. Just so he could semi-survive without me. He e-mailed me back telling me how his interview went on Tuesday and telling me a little bit about what the job really entails, not quite what he thought it would be considering it’s for a marketing position and this one was more programming. It was odd; he said that the position should have been for an “IT Dude”. Then he asked how work was going, so I of course wrote back with what I’d done so far, admitting that I really missed training on Monday because the day was absolutely the pits. The e-mail may have been too long, but I don’t care, I was bored at the time I was writing it.
I am however beginning to think that TDH just enjoys people listening to him, so maybe I shouldn’t get so excited about all the talk time that we got my last week of work. My goodness, I can’t believe it hasn’t even been a week, it feels like so much longer.
In the meantime Mr. Collins called me again, I unfortunately miss the call because I was still working…sarcasm there…and his reason for calling me this time was to inform me of a “Conference” Party this weekend. Um, no thanks. I think I should tell him I’m seeing someone, even if that means I am in all actually just stalking TDH for a glimpse here or there. I envy people whose faces he doesn’t recognize. It’s so hard to be a stalker with the stalked recognizes you. Diva taunted (unknowingly) me today by informing me that she had seen him. I’m a little jealous; I’m not going to lie. Oh, detour sorry, I was just saying that I actually see a lot of people, so it wouldn’t really be a lie to say I am seeing someone.
I thought I was done with this.

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