Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Chapter 72: My Own Magic

I have decided that I will not be a victim of circumstance. I will not have my only date be with Mr. Collins, I absolutely refuse. If I have to go on a date with him then I’m going to be going on dates with other people as well! I don’t have time to sit around and wait for some guy I know to sit up and take interest, Collins and I could be married by then! So to avoid that fate I made the call to Bachelor #1 last night. Even though I have no interest in Bachelor #1 I was still nervous. Diva sat in the room while I did it and I don’t know if that gave me more courage or made me wimp out. I got his number from Facebook, the only true and valid form of stalking. Then I went to save it into my phone in case I wimped out so I could call later when I had more courage. As I was in the process of saving I accidentally called him, looks like fate stepped in and said, “You aren’t going to wimp out tonight!” I couldn’t hang up after it starts ringing, it was already sending my data to his phone whether or not I stayed on the line, then he would call back and find out that I was the gutless terd calling his phone and he would then proceed to ask why. So I let it ring, telling Diva that no one picks up for numbers they don’t know and then just like in the movie Hitch the other line picked up! Who answers numbers they don’t know!? I don’t! So I informed him who was calling and it took him a second, which I expected, we barely know each other and until last night we didn’t have each other’s numbers. I would have done the same thing. Then once we established my identity I proceeded to ask him out for Saturday night. He said that he was going to be out of town but that I should save his number and call him when he gets back (and I’m thinking to myself, I don’t know when that is) and then he told me he will get back on Wednesday. So I said I would and finally hung up the phone. It was almost a relief and at the same time not because I’ll have to do it again next week, except I know this time that he’ll go. Diva and I then went upstairs and watched a movie. When I got back down to my room I had a new e-mail (on Facebook) and it was from Bachelor #1 before reading the message I thought to myself, “calm down, I’m not in love with you,” which is the standard reaction from the guys I know. He just wrote to apologize again for leaving town and told me that he would really like to get together when he got back and then asked if I had any ideas. Right then and there he removed himself from burnt fry destiny. No matter what ends up happening he will not overcook in the fryer.
In the meantime Ducky called last night and we tried to devise a plan to make Friday night with Mr. Collins more bearable. She is going to try and get a date (actually with my current Bachelor #2, but they are subject to number change….except for Bachelor #1 because he has confirmed a date). Hopefully she can, if not I’ll just have to grin and bear it and remember that starting next weekend I will be going on a date with a different person, thus helping to make sure that I can’t be a permanent dating fixture in Mr. Collins dating pool. And maybe one day it will get easier to lie to him about what my plans are.

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