Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chapter 76: Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

There are some people in this life who are contrary just for the sake of being contrary. Do they play well with others? No. Am I happy with those individuals at the moment? No. Do I wish that it was within my power to make them do things my way? Yes.
Let me start off with a story of how my morning went. First, I woke up at 7:05, not because of my alarm but because someone was being very loud as they left the house. I looked at the clock which is set 10 minutes too fast and realized that my alarm would be going off soon. Instead of being productive and getting up early since I was somehow blessed to wake up on my own, I rolled over and thought it would be nice to get 10 extra minutes of sleep. I woke up again and looked at my clock and it read 8:45, meaning in real time it was 8:35 and I’m supposed to be at work at 8:00. I jump out of bed, throw on a sweater and a skirt, eat a cookie for breakfast because it happened to be there, and then throw on my shoes grab my keys and run out the door. I brushed my hair in the car and pulled it back. Luckily most people are on time to work and the traffic was minimal and I got mostly green lights on the way, oh yeah, and I live 5 minutes from work so that’s another positive thing. I get to work and just hope that no one noticed that I was late. I sign into my e-mail and have 12 new messages, this is new. But 3 of them were a chain of e-mails that had started around 8:35 (hmm…interesting, that’s exactly when I woke up). So I read them and it had to do with something yesterday that I should have done but it didn’t work so I went into my boss’ office and tell her I’m sorry and she tells me that I don’t need to be sorry because I’m still learning. So I took the apology back. She must have thought I was dying though because I was sweating and I was light headed because I had just woken up maybe 15 minutes before and I had run up the stairs in twos. So I go back to my desk and get to work. Now, on with the day.
At work we have a little situation. I schedule interviews with people, and then I get the managers to agree to give those interviews. Today I got an e-mail from a young man who has decided to accept another offer at a different company. He was writing to let me know, and since his interview was schedule for this Thursday I thought that we could bump up some interviews that had to be pushed back to the following week or even the week after. This is not an easy process, although it should be! Considering the fact that every single manager had already accepted the original Thursday interview without any problems I thought this would be a painless, seamless, process. All I had to do was insert the other interviewee into the original Thursday spot. Again, everyone had accepted. So I first cancel the old one so not to confuse myself. I updated the interviewee that I was bumping up and then I sent out the new interview invitations. I shouldn’t call them invitations, it sounds so pleasant, I think they should understand that I am demanding this. So there is this manager, let’s call her L.B. (took the name from Ducky, it stands for ‘Little Bitch’, but since I am trying not to cuss I will call her L.B. like Linden B. Johnson…minus the ‘J’). Anywho, so L.B. declines the invitation! I double check what I had for Thursday; she had indeed accepted the original request for Thursday at 1PM. I had just cancelled the old one, how did she come up with something to do so quickly. Of course, she didn’t put her reasons for not accepting, which is what polite, nice, individuals do, mostly because they actually have a valid excuse, but L.B. doesn’t have an excuse, I’d bet my next paycheck on it! She just doesn’t want to do it! You know what I want to say to her? I want to tell her to suck it up! I do things every day that I don’t want to do but I do it because it’s my job! Stop being so freaking immature, grow up and take responsibility! These people need to be interviewed and you are not allowed to hit that damned decline button!

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