Sunday, October 07, 2007

Chapter 69: All Things In Moderation

Yesterday I went to the mountains with my family. Navy Seal Ken and my sister are in town, so we decided to take a trip up for the fall festivities at some apple orchard we always go to (I however haven’t been in at least 5 years due to college and working on Saturdays). Along with Navy Seal Ken came his family, and of course that meant G.I. Joe was coming. Now I don’t know if it’s because I already know I have no interest in G.I. Joe or if I just get annoyed when people are obvious, but it bugged me yesterday how he was trying to ride in the same car as me, but tried to make it look like it wasn’t his decision. He kept saying that he was the odd man out on his side of the family and he kept telling his other brother that he didn’t want to listen to Barry Manilow (meaning he didn’t want to ride with his brother), he kept trying to ride with us in our car.
While we were at the orchard G.I. Joe came up to me and was like, ‘So, you don’t have to work nights anymore huh?” I answered in the positive, I’m proud I have my nights back. Then he starts to tell me that this girl he works with (who I met last week), her husband plays poker on Tuesday nights so he’ll have to call me so we can all go to a movie. I just nodded and then told him how I had finally seen Bourne Ultimatum. If I didn’t worry about him liking me I think we would have a greater chance of being friends, it would be nice to have a guy friend who I actually hang out with, however, since there is that feeling that he may like me as more than friends I’m just guarded around him.
When we were getting ready to leave the orchard he was back to trying to get into our car by asking his sister-in-law if he should just ride with us since they may have plans to go home. They had said that they were going to lunch but in the end decided to just go home and took G.I. Joe with them. It was for the best; lunch would have been awkward because I know he would have sat next to me and called me “Jessie” some more…stupid nicknames with the “i-e” endings.
I just don’t understand, I have Mr. Collins calling again (I know it’s only been a week or two since he stopped but I really thought I was in the clear) and G.I. Joe is back to trying to get me to hang out with him and the one person I want to try won’t (Of course we are talking about TDH here who else?). It’s probably for the best though, but still, why is life like that? Why do I finally get some guys interested in me and I’m not interested in any of the options given me? I like one guy and I can’t have that one be interested?

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