Friday, September 28, 2007

Chapter 63: Pig Nose Segregation

I had a really good night sleep, meaning that I didn’t wake up in the middle of the night. My dream wasn’t quite as good. I don’t remember the beginnings of my dream, or why I was “downtown” it a strangely set up city, but I was waiting for my dad to come and take me to the airport I think, I know that I had just graduated. So my dad comes and gets me and we’re late and as we are driving I’m looking around, first thing I notice is that straight ahead you could see the temple and it was like we were going to drive right past it and I realized that this was more likely to happen out west, because here our temple isn’t smack dap in the middle of any population, and it made me miss being out west. Somehow in my dream though I wasn’t out west and was very aware of that fact, it was home mixed with the west. We ended up passing by a wall and just on the other side was the temple, and there were houses within the wall and someone starts to explain the bad construction idea, or planning idea, something that led to these normal houses within the temple walls. We keep driving though and then I start to see people walking around, they have all graduated and they are all getting out of there buses and I see two people in a row with pig noses and I just stared without feeling ashamed that I was just staring.
We get to where I need to be and they are setting up something with those little Debbie Christmas trees (my favorite). They wanted everyone in the choir to have one but they only had five, so I tried to explain to then it wasn’t going to work, but they kept finding them places and adding them. There were conversations that took place but I can’t remember any of them. Then Suddenly instead of some recital we were actually setting up a wedding. My sister was getting ready to get married but instead of the one who actually is it was the one who already is. We were putting little Christmas trees all over too, so a little Christmas wedding. We had it set up really nicely too. We had it set up outside on someone’s deck, I’m not sure whose house we were having it at. When we were almost done the wind started to blow strong and I moved closer to the house and lady whose house it was asked me what was wrong and I told her that the wind was really bugging my eyes. She commented on how dark it was suddenly and how it may storm soon, so I say we’d better get everything inside because I didn’t want my sister’s wedding reception to be ruined. So, I start walking towards the table with the cake to get that in first (we can see my priorities right?) So as I am walking there the lady screams from behind me and tells me that the cloud is breaking into a funnel, and sure enough it does and the lady is still screaming behind me that it is really close, we all have to get inside. Well, everyone starts moving, running around to get inside, to make sure everyone else is accounted for and my sister is standing in her wedding dress on the deck just watching the funnel, so I run over, grab her by her shoulders and force her to come downstairs, she’s all upset because her wedding is ruined. I get her down to the basement and then start asking her where her son is (because even though she’s getting married her oldest son is still in my dream). She tells me he is in the attic watching a movie so I start running up the stairs because I have to go up several flights to get to him (granted he is my favorite nephew so panic is certain setting in). On my way upstairs I hear my dad say that I am the next one to get a phone call, and it makes sense to me in my dream, but I think we were all receiving phone calls on our cell phones, either to ensure that we were okay, or something to do with the group, we represented the group on shifts, but I remembered clearly that my cell phone was on the deck inside my purse. I didn’t tell anyone though, I figured I would tell them after I had gotten my nephew safely downstairs. As I run up the stairs I notice that there are little Christmas trees all the way up so when I finally get upstairs and I know it’s going to be hard to pull him away from his movie, this kid doesn’t do anything he doesn’t like and telling him that a tornado is coming isn’t going to help at all. So I ask him if he would like to help me find all the Christmas trees and he got excited and threw his covers back and was coming with me, but then Spam was there too and she did something I’m not sure and I found myself putting another movie in to get his attention even though I realized it was a bad idea because I wouldn’t be able to get him out of the room. The movie started so I looked out the window and the twister was gone and so were all the clouds, so I figured he would be safe, and I turn around and Spam is standing there watching the movie and I tell her to go downstairs, and she ignores me and keeps watching the movie (like she does in real life) and I grab her face with my hands and I told her that it wasn’t an option or a decision, I told her to go downstairs.. She continues to act like it doesn’t matter, she’s going to do what she wants (yes, this is like real life, she never listens). Then the horrific part, I pick her up via my hands holding her cheeks and then drop her on the floor (too violent, even for me). Then she starts balling, and yells at how she was getting ready to do, and I know she’s full of it because she had no intention to go, and then my alarm went off so I woke up thank goodness. Part of the dream was starting to feel too much like real life.

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