Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chapter 60: No Regrets

So today was also interesting. I tell you, you quit your job and all sorts of things start happening. The best thing, the topper for the day, my manager was in the hallway talking to me and she was standing next to a part of the wall that jutted out slightly. As she turned to leave she smacked right into the wall! Her water bottle fell to the floor and for a split second I wasn’t sure how to react. But as she peeled herself off of the wall she was laughing so I started to laugh too. I had tears in my eyes, it was the funniest thing ever and the look on her face when she turned around was priceless.
I worked with Twitch tonight. I told him about “Geek Fields” which I made up while talking to TDH as he went passionately on about the Bear and Bull Market and how great numbers are. His geek field is numbers, mine is administrative work, and after talking to Twitch tonight his would be anything to do with working out and counting protein. A geek field is commonly defined as a field of interest that makes you a little abnormal, sometimes weird to those around you, but it is also what adds character to you, even if those around you don’t appreciate it. Fortunately for these boys, I appreciate their geek fields, and TDH is just too darn cute when he talks about numbers, how could I not appreciate it?
I told Twitch as I told TDH the night before that I would never see them again because they were only interested in hanging out with me when they thought that I was engaged. Twitch laughed and explained that it was mostly because when they hang out they drink…so I see I’ll have to take matters into my own hands and force them to hang out with me.
On our break I received a phone call from the dreaded Mr. Collins. I really do feel like a Bennett girl, having extreme anxiety and trepidation when it comes to having to interact with Mr. Collins. The thing that bothers me the most is that I still can’t seem to shut-up around him and I’m worried he is taking it as interest. I need to get a muzzle for myself. I started to tell him about this book I was reading (I don’t remember what got me into that pickle) and it happens to be a book that involves a vampire and the main character falls in love with said vampire. But it’s not a typical vampire book and before I explained the book I adamantly stated that I was not normally into those kinds of books. Thus stating that I am not into vampires, heaven forbid I become even more interesting because I may be of Trekie material, which by the way I am not. Then he throws it out, I don’t know how it happened, I’m always getting hoodwinked by people. But he started to tell me about a party Saturday night and suddenly he asked if I wanted to ride with him to it and I hadn’t known about the party, I hadn’t been warned by Ducky or even Bull so I couldn’t say that I was already riding with someone else and then the idiotic ‘yes’ spit through my lips before I could stop it. Thus was the end of my happy days in the state of Virginia. When I hung up I complained to Twitch about it, why do I attract all the weird guys. Twitch and I were a back room talking and we ended up coming back to the trainees a little late, there were two trainees there that were desperate for dramatics and I think they thought Twitch and I were up to something since we were both late from break and we came in together. Twitch didn’t notice, which isn’t unusual, guys don’t notice when teenage girls act like that, or maybe he did notice and didn’t say anything for my sake. Heaven forbid we may have been doing something important and job related. I wonder if they had noticed the wedding ring on his finger and if so they insult my character, therefore I personally would have failed them, but that wasn’t any of my business. During the lab portion they kept looking at me when he would saw something to see my reaction. It was offensive.
Anyway, I made it through the day. It was actually a pretty good day and several people kept saying that I was going to miss this job. Which I am, a lot, a lot more than I want to.
Anyway, earlier that day I had e-mailed TDH to inform him that I had gotten a bunch of stuff from behind the register in the lab. He e-mailed me later and said, “Good job, but you’re still a loser and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” an insult which I sadly appreciated. It just shows he cares. Of all the things I think TDH is making it the hardest to leave, I didn’t expect quitting this job would hurt so much, but I suppose I was an idiot to think that I wasn’t attached to anyone here. I’m going to miss it, all of it.

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