Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is getting annoying

You remember when I said that most if not all girls do not intentionally place guys in The Friend Zone?

Well...I lied.

I said this because I have never intentionally placed a guy in the Friend Zone and I gave the rest of the women in the world the benefit of the doubt. I spoke too soon, I apologize.

Bball Man is headed straight towards eternal friend zone and the worst part is, he's leading the way. At least that's how I justify it to myself. I tried to keep conversation to friend topics, I steered away from any openings for him to ask me out and yet he kept persisting! He backed off the date questions but then he mentioned how he's looking for that special someone and asked if I had a special someone or at least some candidates. Who asks that? He's trying to do one of two things, he is trying to become my best guy friend, the one I can tell all my man-related woes to, or he's trying to figure out if I like him. It took me a while to respond back, but I finally wrote back with something saying how I have a lot of "special" people in my life but I don't have a "special someone" then I mentioned that I had a few candidates if you want to call them that since I can't ever talk to guys that I like.

I checked it with PR (which will now stand for Personal Relations) and she said that it sounded good, that by throwing in that I can't talk to the guys I like it automatically, less painfully stated that I was not interested in him (since . We thought a moment longer searching it for loop holes and deciding that there couldn't be and that he was careening towards the Friend Zone, I went ahead and sent it. So we were okay for a few e-mails (with the exception that he kept trying to figure out if he knew who my candidates were). I finally told him that he does know him, but I'm not sharing anymore information because then I will have more trouble than usual talking to this guy that I like. Because when other people know who you like you suddenly find yourself with an audience when you walk up to your true love and try to stammer out "hello" or maybe even try to flirt. He said he understood he was the same way with girls, but told me that I should try to drop hints because any guy would be lucky to have me talk to them (sweet...but he got me more with the basketball compliments).

He told me that I know the girl he is interested in...he also told me that she plays ball with us. Well, for the most part I am the only girl playing so I am struggling with red flags and flashing lights while I try to think of what other girl he would like. Who comes sometimes that he may be interested in.

So, Bball Man works with Little Brother. This morning I get a random text message from Little Brother asking me what's up. This is odd because I only ever hear from Little Brother on Thursday afternoons when he sends the mass text to remind people about basketball. For a moment I thought maybe it was Thursday, but I decided to text back anyway. He's getting a group of people together to see the new Will Smith movie and wants to know if I'm "down" he also asked me who else I should the paranoid side of me is wondering if he is trying to figure out who I like as well, since it is a basketball patron they would both know him.

What is it with guys wanting to know girls secret. It's like my friend in high school who loved to read my journal (in the days before blogs). He loved how real it was and everything. Of course, I think journals are much more personal, but I think I've done a bang up job of sharing my feelings in this one. Back to the story. I told him that I'd invite my roommates and I guess we could just invite the basketball people. Then he text me and says that Bball Man wanted to call me but he (Little Brother) doesn't give out people's numbers without permission. What am I supposed to say?? I can't very well say 'no' at this point. So I tell him he can but to warn him that I don't pick up the phone often. And I haven't even mentioned that I don't have text messages as part of my plan (yes, I'm geeking out about how many have been sent back and forth already). Things got busy at work so I didn't check my phone for a while, when I finally did Bball Man and Little Brother had both texted me. BBall Man just asking "What's up?" (which worried me that we'd start texting and like I said, I don't have a lot of text). Little Brother was just making sure I was in for the movie. I told him that he had me at Will Smith. Then I wrote BBall man and said that not much was up. I didn't ask questions or anything because I don't want to chance a lot of text messages.

I don't know why I just wrote all of that, I don't even know if it makes sense or if it is even what I meant to write.

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