Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sometimes I opt for Buddy Land

I went home on my lunch break to discover that not only had NTR commented on about 13 photos of me (on Facebook) but he also sent me a message. Which is sitting there right next to my latest message from Basketball Man (we won't be shortening that nickname to initials). Okay, one at a time, I understand.

NTR - 13 photos and the things he had to say didn't even make sense. I think he may or may not have had a lobotomy at some point. After reading his comments (like moth to a flame, a person leaves a comment I have to read them) I go to the message and he asks me for advice or an honest opinion or something like that about why he can't seem to get a girlfriend and he doesn't understand the whole loneliness bit. Hi, I've been lonely a whole lot longer so cry me a river. I didn't respond.

Before I left home to come back to work I get a message from B2, he says, "Hey, I noticed that NTR is really trying to be your friend. Good luck with that." Anyone else I would have immediately jumped down their throats about that, but I can't tell with B2 if it's meant to be mean. Something tells me he might really mean the "Good luck with that" part.

Basketball Man on the other hand went from being a nice guy I wanted to be friends with to my new stalker. It's just annoying now and I hold firm to the belief that annoying people don't realize they are being annoying. Not that I even think he is annoying, I'm trying to remember him the way he was when I last saw him in person. Normal, nice, good three point shot. It's difficult to see at this point. My last response to him (regarding the "what else do you do for fun" and "what is your favorite type of movie") I told him that I liked all different types of movies and it depended on the actual movie itself, I steered away from the movie idea and took it towards music (a friend topic) by stating that I am the same way with music. I ignored the "what else do you do for fun" question as I saw that as irrelevant.

Then he wrote back telling me that rap and R&B are his favorite types of music...I may be open minded but out of all the genres that's the one with the least number of favorites. Then he tells me how he likes a lot of movies and he has a huge movie collection, some of which he's never even seen (I feel certain that while I have a burgeoning movie collection I have, in fact, seen all of them). Then drops in the line, "I just wish I had someone to watch them with." Another statement/question for me to pretend I didn't notice. Then he asked what my work schedule is there any way for me to derail this? The only good news is that I don't have free time. I already concluded that getting an even number of dates this year was out of my reach due to lack of time and overabundance of activity. I'm already double booked for Friday and I don't say it to sound like I'm so pretty and popular (Josie and the Pussycats) but because everyone always tries to cram everything in to the last few weeks of the year as though there is nothing beyond December 31st (guilty as charged, I'm as bad as the rest of them). Plus I am working the next two weekends and the other two I'm not because I already have plans. Even if I wanted a date I couldn't have one (though if TDH jr. asked me I bet I could rearrange my schedule pretty quickly). I just don't want to write him back now because even though my busy-ness is all honest and true I know it will sound like I'm trying to avoid it (which I am, but still). Does that make sense?

Anyway, so I get back to work from my lunch break and am in a strange mood. I trudged up the stairs with a dizzying headache, I sat down to find I had no motivation to work, I'm trying to think if it's all so bad that I should move, but like pseudo boyfriend told me on Friday night, people are the same no matter where you go. If I attract them here, I will attract them there.

I log on to my work computer and have a couple e-mails, one from this kid at work who is super nice and we talk sometimes, but it's not like we are fantastic friends or anything. So he has an education question he asks if he fails an exam does he have to repay the company for the cost. I wrote back and said that he wouldn't for the first exam but he would need to pay for the retest. He writes back asking how much that is and before I have a response for him he writes back again saying he found it on the website ($200+ for the retest). Then he says, "That is going to suck, because I am probably going to fail on Friday." Here I was thinking that he had taken it earlier this week or today even and thought he had failed but he hadn't even taken it! So here is what I wrote back:

"I thought you were asking because you had taken it and failed, but I know now that you’re just a raging optimist (that’s sarcastic by the way)."

Remember, I rarely talk to this guy, but he caught me in a sarcastic mood. I added a smiley face at the end to ensure he knew it was friendly sarcasm. But I couldn't help but wonder what his initial reaction was since I always seem so quiet. A conversation ensued and for almost an hour I went between blogging and responding to his e-mails. It was fun, and the kind of thing I needed after the rough morning/afternoon I was having, it helped to get me out of the funk I was in, and now I only have an hour left of work. And tomorrow is technically my Friday since I am taking the real Friday off. This week is already going by more smoothly than last week, even though it still has it's gaping potholes along the way.

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