Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Awkward Moments Define My Life

I don't feel like working right now so I am going to blog instead. So here's the update with the male species:

There is this guy that I play basketball with who is super nice, but I only see him as a friend. This past week he found me on Facebook and when I confirmed him as a friend he immediately started to write me. Started out simple enough but then he kept going, asking more questions about me. What do I like to do for fun, what did I study in college, etc. Red lights have been flashing for a while so I try to just answer the questions but not ramble like I sometimes do. Like I said, he's a super nice guy, so I don't want to be rude or seem like an ego-maniac by assuming that he likes me; but I also don't want to ignore that I think he might and end up in an awkward situation (like I usually do by pretending I don't see it). It's just complicated, if that makes any sense. Anyway, his latest questions were, "what else do you like to do for fun? What are your favorite types of movies?" I don't like these questions, to me, these are "Date idea" kind of questions. These are almost as bad as when the person seems to agree with you on everything like the two of you are so compatible. Newsflash for anyone out there, I don't want someone who is just like me...I annoy myself, so what good is it going to do you to have all the same interest? Sorry, detour.

Then there is NTR, not that he's a problem, he just makes for interesting stories. Friday night we had a semi formal dance with people from all over the region for church. It was fun, though I rarely danced and I talked to the same person most of the night (details/explanation to follow). NTR kept coming up to me and telling me that I looked nice, my dress was pretty, I looked like a beautiful hourglass...yup, that's right, a beautiful hourglass. Can't say I've heard that one before. However, I was able to mostly avoid any situations with him that night. Last night he was over at our house because we hosted FHE (Family Home Evening). He came up to me, told me I looked nice (I'm not going to shoot down compliments, but don't do the elevator eyes when you give them). I told him thank you, and then he continues a conversation that should have died ages ago. It was the one about how I'm not like other girls, well, it's the one where he pretty much said I wasn't like a girl. Which got him in a lot of trouble. So he tries to explain himself, and I feel like telling him that I don't like to talk about how much I'm apparently not like a girl. We did end up agreeing that it wasn't that I'm not a like a girl, but that in addition to being like a girl I also do things that most girls don't (apparently playing bball with the boys counts as one). So hopefully that topic of conversation is finished. Then he goes on about how I'm the kind of girl he can come to with his problems, etc. etc. even though I remember telling him that he couldn't. Then for some random reason he says, "You know, I used to have a crush on you but then I found out how old you were." I could have taken offense, instead I gave a prayer of gratitude for the age barrier. I just nodded my head and agreed that I was old and silently prayed that he would drop it or get distracted and walk away. Which, I think he finally did, either that or I walked away, can't remember.

So Friday night, the one person I pretty much talked to the whole time was this kid I know from Institute. I wanted to throw this in there for those of you who saw us talking most of the night and wondered what was going on. Nothing. That's it. Nothing is going on - I think he is a cool guy but there are a few problems: first, he is dating my friend, secondly he is 18, thirdly - 1 and 2 should be all the reason I need. His girlfriend wanted to dance, he wasn't really feeling it so I stayed and talked to him so he wouldn't be alone. It didn't stop me from dancing off of the dance floor and forcing him to dance a little, but I felt weird just abandoning him. Anywho - I just wanted to clear it up because several people came up to me and were asking me who my "boyfriend" was.

I just want TDH jr. to love me...can anyone get me that for Christmas? I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

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