Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Bad Day

This morning my dog got out...yet again. I will spare you (maybe just myself) the details of how he got out on this particular occurrence. Just know that he did, and with 2 minutes before I had to leave for work I was chasing him down the street, fingers paralyzed from the cold and holding a bucket of his favorite treats in my hands (or sometimes tucked under my arms). There are certain times when he gets out (i.e. after dark) where I decide it's better just to let him go. But while the sun is shining I have to make it look like I care enough, so I chase him as much as I can, usually catching him with the help of a neighbor kid, or on one occasion a very scared, angry, old man (this is the main reason I try to catch him...if someone is going to kill my dog it's going to be me not some stranger).

So this morning I chased him for about a block and then said tired and annoyed called out, "Screw you!"...hoping no neighbors heard that. I walked back to my house, fuming, the longer I walked the angrier I became. I got back to the house, grabbed my stuff for work and got in the car. I honestly think I would have driven straight to work and let that dumb dog fend for himself today. When I pulled the car out of the driveway I can see the floppy ears of crap for brains bouncing up and down as he galloped towards the house like I would even still want him. I backed the car up (though I felt like running him over) and got out of the car already talking to him. I asked him what even made him think I still wanted him? Then I walked towards the backyard and he goes to the back door and I tell him he's not going inside. He didn't put up a fight going into his kennel but the damage was done, I didn't love him anymore.

So I drive to work in a sour mood and I'm 15 minutes late, I don't like being late. First thing when I sit down there is a voicemail from an employee, he has some questions about open enrollment forms. I talk to messages by the way, I don't know if you knew that, but if you want to hear my real, honest answer you have to listen in when I listen to your voicemail. He asks me if I can just fill out a form for Then he asks if he has to fill out all of another form. That would be yes. Out of his three questions only the third didn't tick me off. I wait on calling him back and when I finally do I get a voicemail, so I try to sound as nice as possible since voice mails can be saved for evidence.

Then I get to run downstairs for the world's most boring meeting. I get to sit in four of these, and have now gone through 2. This is the worst week ever. While we are in the meeting Boss Lady realizes that a form that we have in packets we are sending out to former employees is wrong. I stayed at work an hour and a half late last night trying to get these packets ready to go out today and now I have to go upstairs and make sure that they aren't in the mail. Then we have to open them without destroying the envelope because of all the work to get the envelopes ready (certifieds have stickers and paperwork all over them). We take out the old paper, put in the new one and reseal (usually with scotch tape).

In the meantime people keep calling with random questions. They have their open enrollment paper work due Friday, they have 401k meetings this week and there's Angel Tree due Thursday. I'm in essentially in charge of all that, so everyone calls me. The phone and me don't normally get along so on a bad day it's even worse.

My least favorite thing are the last minute people. They did it with the open enrollment meetings and now they are doing it again with the 401k meetings. The, "I'm not sure if I signed up but can you sign me off for such and such time?" Hello...the meetings have already started. By putting in a time in the e-mail rather than checking it's no longer a "I'm not sure if I signed up situation" but rather an, "I didn't feel it important to sign up beforehand, could we do it now." Leave out the "I don't think I signed up part" if you want to stay in my good graces. Part of me feels like saying, "Nope, you'll have to study out the new plan on your own. Should have responded when the e-mail was sent out two weeks ago!" Of course there are also those people who respond to the reminder e-mail and say, "I was out yesterday so I didn't get this e-mail until just now." Way to rat yourself out that you didn't bother to read the first one. My life would be easier if people would just get their life's straight. Respond to an e-mail that says there is a mandatory meeting when you get the e-mail, go to the meeting you signed up for, don't switch meetings without talking to me, there is a 40 person max in the training room and you've just kicked someone out of a meeting they signed up for two weeks ago. Don't show up to a meeting if you never signed up for one (I know who is suppose to be there ding bat). It's just rude and inconsiderate and I know it should be a big deal but it is, not only because it's a job that has been given to me but because we can't have people coming and going to these things when they feel like it because there are people who are following the rules and they deserve to be able to go to their pick of meetings. Know what I mean?

Tomorrow I will be in a good mood. I hope.

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