Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chapter 128: There are some experiences in life which should not be demanded twice from any man.

Last night I went out to eat with B2, Dog Whisperer and two others who do not have names, I’m not sure if they are going to get names either. The girl who came with us won’t be here much longer because of a mission call and the guy just got home from his mission, probably headed out to BYU in the fall. So we’ll see.
While we were out Dog Whisperer asked us to name our favorite kind of music or favorite bands. So B2 started off, naming a few, I was rather impressed with the list. Then I named a few, but I don’t do well on the spot like that so a lot of them didn’t get mentioned, then we went around until it came back to Dog Whisperer who then proceeded to go off on a diatribe of his favorite bands and why they were, and their history, and songs they have that featured other favorite artist. I drank a lot of water during that time.
Dog Whisperer took a breath and B2 took the opportunity to say, “How about favorite movies,” and then he threw in that we could only list five, he started with me. I couldn’t think of just five, so then the Dog Whisperer began and I jumped in when I was ready. Come to think of it though, no one else said their favorite movies.
Everyone was eating wings, and I know I’m going to sound motherly, but B2 looked so cute with sauce all over his face and I wanted to grab a wet nap and wipe off all the sauce. But I thought maybe that would be too intrusive. It was just funny because everyone else was being somewhat careful about it, nothing on their faces, their fingers relatively sauce free, and B2 just seemed to be struggling a bit more, or just eating with reckless abandon. Both boys on either side of me offered me some wings but I declined, I’m not a wing person, and I’m also trying not to have full on meals after 9 o’clock, I’ve been bad about that lately.
At one point B2 brought up how a good chunk of the people at church on Sunday were just summer people and I mentioned how it was a great time for a dating discussion, since most of those people were transitory. Then Dog Whisperer asked what discussion and B2 began to tell him about it and Dog Whisperer says, “I don’t think I’ve ever gone on a date,” and B2 says, “Then you’re part of the problem.” I couldn’t help but smile at that, but I didn’t want to talk about dating. So then Dog Whisperer goes on about how he asked this girl out once and she said ‘no’ and then he starts to list why she would have said that, i.e. they had only seen each other twice (meaning he just met her) or it turns out she was 17 and he was 21. So B2 turns to me and was like, “Honey (to protect my identity here, he didn’t actually call me honey) let’s say you met a guy at FHE on Monday night and then you see him again at institute, let’s say it’s a Wednesday night, and he asked you out that night, would that be weird?” I hated B2 in that moment. So I gave it a lot of thought, and then spoke honestly, I told him that it would be kind of weird, but it depends on the circumstance, I’ve had it happen before, and it was weird, but if you click with the person it wouldn’t be that creepy. If B2 had sacrificed me by putting me into a position to get asked out by Dog Whisperer I would have killed him then and there, I don’t care the social consequences, I would have stood up, shoved his chair over and possibly kicked him. After the close call I tended to turn my attention to B2’s friend who was sitting on the other side of me, mostly to just avoid conversation with Dog Whisperer. But then I felt bad because B2 was really quiet after that, he said distracted by Dog Whisperer so at first I said I didn’t feel bad because I still remember being abandoned a few weeks ago when N.T.R. had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. But then I told him I did feel kind of bad because he was still so quiet.
When we got outside B2 tried to help me orient, because I had no clue were I was in the great scheme of things, but then I saw things that were familiar, the train station, Bottom’s Up Pizza, and I realized for the first time in my life that maybe the city wasn’t as big as I had always thought it to be. Then again, we’re talking to the girl who thought Idaho Falls, Idaho was a big city until she got lost one day driving and realized that it was next to impossible to get lost…and yet I did, that should tell you something.
So I get in my car and start driving off, refusing to ask B2 how to get out because now we’ve established that the city isn’t big. So I take my chances, I figure if I keep driving I’ll start to recognize some street names. I did, and I turned the wrong way, the road became dark quickly and went further away from the city, I didn't know there were points in this road that got that way, it's always a busy road. I quickly made a U-turn and headed the other direction, surprised I hadn’t recognized the correct way the first time. Then I saw an exit for the interstate and turned on it, took a guess between heading north or south, choose the wrong one and was worried that by midnight I would be well on my way to North Carolina. I saw some familiar roads on the signs and followed them, thinking I couldn’t be that far off. I had to pay the toll and only had fifty cents so I prayed the toll was a one time thing. The bar was up so I thought briefly about zipping through and saving the fifty cents in case I needed it later, but I was an honest person so I paid and prayed. Good news, no other tolls. I continued to follow signs to familiar roads and even when I was on a road I knew I still felt panicked, as though somehow I had taken a wrong turn. But I hadn’t. I finally got home and was in bed, rather than North Carolina, before midnight. Fantastic.


Rub said...

So was transformers not a date? Phew!!! That's a huge relief. :)

The Chubby One said...

I thought about it too!! I almost brought it up and then thought it was best to not mention your name in his presence. And I didn't want to have to give you a confirmation that it was indeed a date. :)