Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chapter 122: My! People come and go so quickly here!

I found out today that Temp is leaving, because guess who is coming back? Only my favorite temp of all three that I have experienced in my short career here, she’ll need a name but in the mean time, let’s call her Dilbert, because even in her absence she sent me a Dilbert comic in the mail because it was funny and she knows I love Dilbert. So Dilbert is coming back on as full-time, permanent! I found out this morning and I’m so excited! Right now my boss is talking to her, setting everything up. And I know this is horrible but I’m singing, “Ding Dong the witch is dead,” in my head, not really sure why, I don’t think that Temp is a witch, in fact she’s super nice, maybe a little too nice. Like I said, this is the woman who talks to me like I’m a preschooler and to top it off she thinks she knows more about movies than I do. Yesterday she tried to tell me that Heath Ledger is the lead actor in Count of Monte Cristo, uh, excuse me, my boyfriend, Jim Caviezel is the lead actor, it’s the only reason I went to Idaho Falls, ID to watch the movie in theaters. I love him, and I think I can tell the difference between Health Ledger and Jim Caviezel, thank you very much.
But I do feel a little bad because she’s e-mailing me about nonchalant topics because she thinks that we are friends and I’m responding nicely thinking, “not that much longer,” and I can hear her on the phone in her cubicle and it got me wondering, when is Boss-Lady going to tell Temp she’s going? That’s the awkward part. It’s like when I knew that Grouchy was getting canned before Dilbert came along, but I wasn’t allowed to say anything, not that I would want to be the one to say, “Hey by the way, we no longer need your services, we found another temp.” But it was hard when she said, “See you Monday,” and I knew I wouldn’t see her Monday. I just hope that Boss-Lady tells Temp, but no one is going to make her, that’s the hard life of temps, the agency calls you on Friday night and says, “You don’t need to report to work on Monday; we’ll start looking for a new position for you.”
So I’m conflicted, not enough to let it ruin my day, but conflicted none the less.
In the meantime, I hit my head pretty hard last night. Felt sick to my stomach right before going to bed and woke up with a headache. Still feel nauseated, I think I’m suffering from cerebral hemorrhaging, actually I just looked it up and by technical definition; I am not suffering from cerebral hemorrhaging. But that’s not to say that I’m not hemorrhaging cerebrally. The only symptoms I really seem to have are drowsiness, severe headache and the desire to throw up, though the desire isn’t actually on the list, the real symptom goes beyond the desire and straight to the action. Ah, well, I’m sure I’ll be fine by lunch time.

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