Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chapter 126: Well then a fox you shall be until I find your name, my foxy lady

My roommates and I were talking about positive names for a female player. Men have long had a hold of positive names for roles that aren’t necessarily positive. Stud, Daddy Mac, Stallion, even Player is a positive nickname for them. We have slut, whore, prostitute, none of which I see as especially reassuring and friendly names. We discussed that we have babe, but that’s solely based on looks, we needed a name that involved not only someone’s attractiveness but also their stellar personalities and their charismatic way with guys. So I set out on a mission to find a positive name for a girl that would be the female equivalent of a stud (though dictionarily speaking ‘stud’ only means a person regarded as physically attractive anyone who has ever used the term knows it encompasses so much more). The female equivalent of a stallion is a mare; not exactly an exciting name, nor one I would ever want to be called. The other female equivalent names were dirty or mean, so I don’t think those will work.
Moxie gave us ‘Belle’ last night, and I really liked it, but I also kept using it in a negative term. She would do something and I would say, “She’s such a belle,” the same way I would say, “She’s such a slut.” And then I would slap my mouth and try harder next time. I did get a positive use out of it once, I called her a Belle and it was completely optimistic. So last night we were telling B2 about it and he suggested ‘Foxy’. We liked it, and I think that we will use it. “She’s such a fox.” F-O-X. But my curiosity still got the best of me and I wanted to know what kind of synonyms we’re dealing with, Foxy - sly, cunning, crafty, tricky, sharp, wily, astute, shrewd, insightful, devious, sneaky, and many, many more; But seeing as I don’t imagine anyone turning to the dictionary or thesaurus when we whip out this term I think that it will still work.

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