Monday, February 04, 2008

Chapter 98: Die Hard 27 - Kangs of Sydney

So, Saturday I had date number 2 with D&D. My goodness, I don’t know where to begin, I just sat here for five minutes trying to figure out where to begin and I don’t think I have a starting off point. I suppose I’ll just jump right in then. We went to see a movie, and then we went to eat dinner. Just like that. The movie was okay, it isn’t a must own and it’s not one of my favorites, but there were parts I enjoyed and thought were funny and then there were just parts I sat through. We had a very interesting dinner conversation; I can’t say that I am not the one to blame for this. I have a very active imagination, and sometimes that gets me into trouble, such as when I attract weird people, or I make people think it’s okay for them to show their weird side (which by the way it’s not, it’s only okay for me). At the movie theater they have these things where they scramble the letters in the title of a movie, give you an obvious hint as to what movie it is and then before your eyes reveals the answer. So before the movie began we were watching the little pre-movie slideshow and for the last 6 months whenever I’ve gone to a movie the scrambled movie they have is Die Hard. It hasn’t changed, it’s the only one they show and it’s boring. So I like to pretend I’m surprised when they flip the letters around to spell “Die Hard”. This past time I started to say what title I thought it was, “Edi Drha” a German movie made in the 1960’s about the influence of Flu vaccination on it’s population, very entertaining yet very educational, though I expected more of a plague like movie. Or it could be a movie about Edi Drha, a young woman from the America’s and my imagination trails off from there. Then D&D decided that Drha was actually Dr. Ha. So then we started to go on about why that would be a great movie. I decided instantly that it would be a romance movie. Dr. Ha specializes in reattaching limbs that have been torn off in Kangaroo attacks and Edi is actually a librarian but also an avid Kangaroo rights activist (though D&D keeps trying to throw this fact out we all know the truth about Edi, she loves Kangaroos and actually hates Dr. Ha at first for his anti-kangaroo political moves.) Anyway, do you see what I’m saying, very active imagination, it really wouldn’t matter who was there with me, this would have probably happened (unless we are talking about Mr. Collins, because with Mr. Collins I’m actually so uncomfortable that my imagination goes into hiding). Then we are at dinner and he keeps brining this stuff up, I’ve already moved on from Edi and Dr. Ha because I didn’t develop too much attachment to them, however, since he keeps going on about them I decided to continue my imagination. Edi would be on one of her activists safaris and get attacked by a kangaroo, ironic because she fights for their rights. Dr. Ha is no where to be found (D&D decided that Dr. Ha was at a party and someone bumped into him and his phone fell into a pool, thus making Dr. Ha incommunicado) as it turns out Dr. Ha is the only one specialized in this kind of attack and therefore the only one who can save her. So she dies…which is funny because when you unscramble her name it spells “die” and she dies hard, which is what both of their names will spell unscrambled. I wanted to add reenactments of Die Hard in the “movie” that we made up but got veto and told that maybe Dr. Ha could be watching the movie in a scene. This is why I don’t do joint efforts, I’ve been like this since childhood. In seventh grade we had to make a newspaper, and my friend and I worked together and she didn’t like my idea for the cartoon and I didn’t like her idea for the cartoon so we both didn’t like each other’s idea and we both put ours in anyway, I kind of resented her for it, but in retrospect her cartoon really was better, wish we were still friends so I could tell her that. Whoa, that was a major digression there, sorry. Where was I? So anyway, then we have some other conversation at dinner and when D&D gets his dessert he mentions how they are in ramekins rather than shot glasses and I asked him to repeat what he said and he said ramekins again and I just think that is the coolest word. I was excited to go share the information with my roommates but turns out that MM and Diva already knew, which burst my bubble. Then I said that Ramekins could be a genic hybrid of Rams crossed with munchkins. D&D said he liked how my imagination worked and then I kept going saying that the we could make a movie about Ramekins, and how I was already in love with the Ramekins and I’ve already got the first t-shirt design with them on it. Then we came up with the sequel for Edi and Dr. Ha, but since Edi is dead that leaves Dr. Ha and his revenge, so the name of the second movie is Dr. Ha; Ramekin Justice. He invents the Ramekins to avenge Edi’s death, even though we all know that’s not what she would want, she loved the kangaroos…but anyway, men never listen.
D&D seems to suffer from the “we” virus as well as from future-speak. He keeps saying things like, “I love how we came up with this” and junk like that, “We can do this and we can do that.” I feel like saying, “There is no we, there is you and me and we are separate.” The future-speak is more so annoying, it is usually a statement that begins with, “Note to self” and then ends with a tidbit that he is saving for future purposes, of which their won’t be a need. Like I said that the Ramekins will wear bow-ties because they are sophisticated, he asked if the Ramekins were sophisticated or if the bow ties were, I told him both. Then I said that I happen to like Bow-ties. So he said, “note to self wear more bowties.” There was also the, “Note to self, she doesn’t like necklaces,” which I do, I just don’t like putting them on, which turned the conversation in a creepy direction which I aborted instantly. What else was there a note to self statement used on? I think the fact that I don’t eat chocolate. D&D is not like Mr. Collins, I think that D&D and I could be friends, but beyond that I’m sorry to say there can’t be anything. I don’t feel anything for him. Talking about the dates it would seem like I’m having a really good time, but I’m not really. I know that he likes me and I can definitely tell that he wants this to turn into something, but I don’t like him. I don’t like if his leg hits mine, I hate he always leans in to say something and our arms are touching, or how he just leans despite having something to say. I have no desire to hold his hand much less kiss him! I’d be fine if I never saw him again (not trying to say this in a mean way, but honestly, if I didn’t I wouldn’t cry about it or feel guilty). Saturday night he randomly asks me how I feel about Fondue. Personally, I hate fondue, I don’t find that exciting or fun or romantic, or whatever the heck I’m supposed to feel about it. So I tell him, I don’t like fondue. I know he’s thinking Melting Pot, which I’ve been to and didn’t think it was all that, and I didn’t think it was worth the money. Two people ate there (I speak like this because I was the third person in the group but didn’t eat anything) for a little over $100. That’s stupid, especially considering that you have to cook your own food, sitting there waiting for it to finish rather than just having it brought out to you already cooked. Anyway, so then he mentions something about Melting Pot and I continue to say that I just don’t like fondue; I don’t eat chocolate so I don’t even enjoy the dessert fondue. Then he asks if I will ever eat chocolate again and I said one day (my day that I will eat chocolate again…when I’m pregnant and get an urge for it…if I do, but let’s face it, what pregnant woman wouldn’t enjoy a glass of milk and a bag of Oreos?) Then it hits me, it’s February, this guy actually likes me, he thinks that this “relationship” is developing well, so I’d better be careful, I don’t want him to try to pull something for Valentine’s Day. I have to have a talk with him before then, explaining how I don’t think that this is going anywhere, which will be weird because I know to him how it could seem like it is. I hate this, I hate having to do this! I had to write that stupid e-mail to Mr. Collins, who by the way tried to strike up conversation with me yesterday and I acted friendly, but busy and so therefore was unable to actually pursue conversation, thank goodness putting away an eraser is important and urgent business to me. Now I have to have a conversation with this guy about how I’m not interested. I can see why girls just go along with it; it’s so much easier then to deal with the confrontation thing. This would be ten times easier if he would just piss me off already. I work best angry.
P.S. just for an update, work is going so much better today than last week. I think that January was just a rough month for me and as it dwindled down to it’s final days it tried to take me down with it. However, I have already determined that February is going to be a good month, and surprisingly it has been! Work and elsewhere (despite the dating upsets) have just been going well. Ducky called last night, it was nice to talk to her. Everyone at church kept asking how I was doing now that she was gone. I did a little freak-out with one of the kids but I’m sure he’ll be fine. I did cry a lot in church yesterday, but it didn’t all have to do with Ducky even though I know that would make her feel a little good on the inside, even if she denies it! I feel more secure about my job, especially since I’m getting more responsibility, so that must mean something. And today I actually worked most of the day, except for my little breaks to write this thing. Church wise I’m doing well. I’m beginning to like my calling, which definitely means I’ll be released soon, I even liked having to do a last minute lesson, which is weird, but it must be that teacher’s high. I’ve recommitted on a lot of things and I hope I stick with them. I’ve also decided to have new month resolutions. Twelve month increments really is too much time to screw up, but 29-31 day increments is perfect. January sucked, I didn’t do so great with resolutions, well, recommit in February, and then in March, April, May and so on. I like this idea, maybe I can patent it and make some money off of it, or maybe at years end I can write a book about how good it was to me. I don’t know, just thinking of different ways to enhance my financial situation.


Rub said...

If all else fails, you could invite D&D to the valentines dinner, and just don't mention that he only gets to sit with you for one course. Ha ha, it'd be like you trying to set him up with all the other momo girls in Richmond. It just may work...he'd get to see you hold hands with Daniel, get from-behind hugs from Jordan, and he may even get to hear the gossip about how you date everyone in the ward.

The Chubby One said...

Thank you Rebekah, you make me feel as though I am a slut...the hand holding is to creep people out, the hug is a surprise and the dates, that's a misunderstanding, though one I'll let them keep thinking is happening :)