Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chapter 101: It’s a Dalmatian Plantation!

So I just e-mailed D&D to cancel our plans for Saturday night. As it turns out I have family coming into town (My sister, Navy Seal Ken, and their sons). I haven’t seen them since Christmas and I want to spend some time with them. I’m going to try to clear up more of the daytime on Saturday too, but we’ll see how well that works. I’m just so sick and tired of being busy all the time, actually I’m not; I’m just sick and tired of more than one thing going on at a time. I also don’t want to hurt D&D’s feelings, but I honestly don’t have any time for him right now anyway, even if I did like him…well, if I did like him I would just include him in the things that keep me busy, but I don’t like him so therefore, whatever, I’m not making much sense right now I’m sure. So I have this thing now, I don’t know when I developed it, but I’ll write an e-mail and I’ll read through it once or twice but then I decide that it’s not worth the brain power to keep going so I just close my eyes and hit the send button. That’s what I did when I cancelled plans with D&D (I didn’t just send a random e-mail the plans for Saturday were made through e-mail to begin with). I told him I would need to grab a rain check because I just found out that family is coming in town. But when I look at a calendar I realize that I am pretty busy until March 1st (It’s February 12th) unless he wants to try to do something on a week night. Maybe I should just tell him that I really don’t have time for anything right now, I’m sorry. And then drop off the radar…you know, move, change my name, delete my Myspace account, etc. Part of me wonders why I can’t just like the person who likes me.

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