Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chapter 103: Pa-leas (again)

So Bachelor #1 posted a note on Facebook and it’s ridiculous. Why he tagged me in it I will never understand. He was writing about his first time watching The Notebook, a movie I have never seen nor do I plan to watch it because I’m a prideful little terd and refuse to do it because everyone keeps telling me I should watch it. So he talks about how he knows that he’s going to cry because he’s cried at other chick flicks before…wow, that’s something you want to admit to the ladies. I think the guys got the memo about being more sensitive and took it to an extreme. I think it’s cute if a guy cries once in a while, but if he’s just as emotional at these movies as I am a week before my period then we’ve got problems. There are few movies that make me cry every time (I mean, I cry at the end of “Ice Age” if I’m having a tough enough week, hormonal imbalance, or am on pain killers) and as I am thinking about it I don’t think any of them can be categorized as chick flicks. Movies that guarantee my water works:

  • Life is Beautiful (Waterworks: full on bawling on the floor for a couple of minutes)
  • Broke Down Palace (Waterworks: See definition from above)
  • Charley (A drippy faucet: Okay, this may be a chick flick but if you can hold the tears in for this one you are heartless)
  • Gattaca (a faucet barely on: usually a buildup but not much spillage)

Okay, so I thought I would have a longer list than that. Pretty much my whole point is that Bachelor #1 is again trying to come across as a deeper individual than he really is, but the only thing he achieves by this is coming across as a pansy, at least to me.

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