Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Chapter 95: Where do we go from here?

So Renaissance Man (or D&D as I now refer to him in real life) called last night. I had been debating whether or not I was obligated to call him back since the last time we spoke. I didn’t want him to think that I wasn’t calling because he plays Dungeons and Dragons, though some of it stems from that, but I really just don’t like the phone, and I was busy. I’m busy a lot, and maybe the girls from work are right, maybe if I wanted to I could make time, but apparently, I don’t want to. I intend to call him back, and I actually intend to go on another date with him, at least one more. People have no problem getting a second date with me; it’s the third that’s the mountain. But I figure, what’s the harm in matching my dating average from last year within the first two months? I don’t see a problem with it, and in the end maybe it will help me to be better at this whole dating thing. This is me being positive believe it or not, it feels funny, almost wrong.

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