Monday, January 21, 2008

Chapter 94:

I slept in today until 7:40, I was amazingly still able to get to work on time, and apparently, from my looks no one can tell that I’d rather be in bed. I think that if the post office is closed that we should be closed too, but whatever. I was going to just call in sick today, but then I remembered we have an interview this afternoon, and in fact, this week is the busiest this month…calendar wise, but it all happens in the afternoon…maybe I could take some half days. Meanwhile I sit here at my desk, e-mailing and trying to wake my brain up so I can write a half decent blog. Don’t know if it’s going to work, but here it goes.
Last night I was talking to Ducky and I can’t really remember the order to the things we talked about but we rehashed the fact/opinion that I am too funny. Apparently, I’m too funny for my own good, which sucks because humor is so many things to me: my defense mechanism, my flirting style, and pretty much whatever else you need to exist as a human being…because really, how much more is there beyond defense mechanisms and flirting styles? I have resolved before that I would be more serious and I failed miserably, so I will not resolve this time to be serious. I just have to figure out how to be less funny…any suggestions on how to do it? It’s like a quote I once read, “You can pretend to be serious but you can’t pretend to be witty.” Or something like that. Goodness, I’m bored and my eyes sting.
So this past Saturday my sister, Ducky, and I went to the movies with Sister-in-law and her friend. I got the divine privilege of driving my sister, Sister-In-Law and friend, and Ducky met us at the theater. On the drive there, or was it on the drive home I can’t recall, Sister-In-Law starts talking about her oldest daughter, Princess Buttercup (because she thinks she’s a princess and acts just like one and because she wanted and got the Buttercup horse from Target, what a waste of $300-$400). Princess Buttercup apparently is not well liked by the teacher, I can’t imagine why. Last week PB finished her snack and saw that this other kid in the class had a little extra because his mom always packs more than he needs anyway, so PB walks over and takes it. Sister-In-Law did not come right out and say it immediately, she left out that small detail, leading us to believe that the kid shared it with her but the teacher got upset nonetheless. I however was not fooled and could picture the whole thing playing out in my head, PB saw the food, wanted it, and so therefore took it. Sister-In-Law tried to act as though the little brat hadn’t done anything but when my sister said something about the teacher’s reaction being off over two kids sharing the truth finally came out, “Well, apparently there wasn’t sharing involved exactly.” PB had some other run-ins with authority but I can’t quite recall them at the moment. It just bothers me that everyone sees that her daughter is a brat except for her. I was talking to my sister about it later because no one in the car mentioned that PB was clearly in the wrong and I asked my sister if I was the only one bothered by it. She said that she was too, and I told her that it should come as a surprised to Sister-In-Law because PB saw what she wanted and took it, because that’s the way she is currently being raised. If you want something, you get it. PB has never had to learn that she can’t have everything. We are talking about the same little girl who’s birthday is on December 1st, so you would think that if she didn’t get what she wanted for her birthday that she would get it for Christmas instead, but no, her mother takes a drive to the toy store to ensure that her little girl got everything that she wanted. This is a true story; I couldn’t make up this kind of idiocy if I wanted to.
Speaking of family members that I can’t stand, Thorn called on Saturday professing that she was sick, after describing her symptoms I told her she probably had the flu, bad idea, Thorn takes an excuse for any kind of laziness and runs with it. Since today is a holiday and there is no school Thorn is babysitting her own children, odd concept I know, a mother taking care of her own children. So she was supposed to go to my parent’s house Sunday night to spend the night so that my parent’s didn’t have to go out of their way to drop the little children off anywhere and for that matter, pick them up at the end of the day. Thorn, by the way, doesn’t seem to have any permanence in her life whatsoever, and this includes living quarters. Thorn bounces from friend’s home to friend’s home but never has any place to call her home. We waited Sunday to hear from her, but there was nothing, no phone call or anything. I came to find out this morning that she finally called at 9 o’clock at night informing my mom that she had, “just woken up,” which, unfortunately for Thorn, could be 100% true, but since she’s lied so much in the past any words that come out of her mouth are directly transferred to the B.S. department. So she asked if my mom could pick her up in the morning so she could watch the kids. Then she called this morning and asked if my mom could drop the children off at her friend’s sister’s house, which is who knows where. Thorn is so considerate of people who have full time jobs in which they need to arrive on time to. I felt like telling my mom that she should drop off the kids and never return for them. Go back maybe once, and that’s to take a box, one each, for their most important belongings and some clothes. Thorn is 40-some years old, I think it’s about time that she grew up and started to take care of her children. There are plenty of single moms out there, I don’t know why Thorn thinks that she is more special than any one of them. They do what they have to so that they can provide a decent life for their children, and what does Thorn do? She sits on her ass when she comes to visit and thinks because she cuddles with her sociopathic son once a week that she fulfilling her duty. Oh, and lest we forget, she buys them junk from the thrift store rather than helping to pay for daycare, or clothing, or food. I did mention that at Christmas she bought Burrito a game boy didn’t I? He lost it the same day and has never said anything else about it. What a waste of money, he could have had a new pair of shoes, or a jacket, or an hour at daycare instead. Sometimes I would just like to cut certain people out.

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