Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Chapter 87: None of this multiplicity stuff

As usual I am left in my cubicle with absolutely nothing to do but find my own ways to entertain myself. Luckily for me I found my USB (whatever it's called) drive and have been looking through it. Turns out I had saved a lot of old writing projects on there, stuff from college that had been on my computer, but in an effort to make my computer run faster (or an attempt to make room for more junk) I had added it to the USB drive. I'm glad I did, for my home computer isn't working and I need some old ideas to help jog my brain. It has been sitting here wasting away for the past two hours while I wait for my boss to call, telling me she finally has something for me to do. As of right now her door is closed, which I take as meaning I can do whatever I want because I can't be wasting time when my company is already doing it for me. I found an old project that I started writing when Sweet Pea and I were roommates, I know this because there is a dedication at the beginning of the project and it is to her, which as I read it I remembered how she made me dedicate it to her. So to make sure I didn't forget should I ever actually finish the project and get it in print I did it right there in the word document. I have to admit and I don't want to sound prideful, but it's some pretty good stuff if I don't say so myself. I think I'm much better at prose than poetry. When I read my old poetry I can't help but think what a drama queen I was, maybe it was normal for a teenage girl to think it was the end of the world when her best friend kissed her "boyfriend" behind her back (I put boyfriend in quotation marks because really, who knows what he was to me at the time). Either way, he was hands off but she went for it. Stupid poems to remind you of how you poetically (or should I say pathetically?) announced to your friend that it would never be the same from that point on.Anyway, so I was reading the stuff I had written and it's funny because I feel as though I took all of my personalities, gave them names, and made them a group of friends. Of course when I say "personalities" I am not admitting to suffering from multiple personality disorder, but there are several sides to every person, I believe that everyone is just as complex as I am, though I have run into some pretty shallow individuals who are exactly the same in no matter what the setting, some people would like to say that these individuals are just sure of who they are, I like to say they have never bothered trying to find out. Those of us who have gone on the quest to find ourselves are aware that along the way you realize that there are many deep and complex parts to you, each part working alongside (maybe not always together) to develop who you really are. For example, there is a side to me that knows what's really best for me, that's a realist and is completely grounded. However, there is also the side of me who day dreams and is very romantic and has her head in the clouds. If I didn't have both sides I would be horribly doomed to one fate or the other, bruised heals and blisters or suffering the consequences of breathing air that is too thin. There are five characters so far in this story and out of five I see myself in four of them, but I see different sides of myself in them. It makes for very entertaining reading, at least for me, I never get to see all four of them interact except for on paper. I repeat however, I do not suffer from multiple personality disorder.

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