Thursday, December 14, 2006

Chapter 3: Work and Pizza

Chapter 3
Work and Pizza

I love working 13 hour days. I had one earlier this week and I had one yesterday. At least yesterday’s was divided up between training and working in my store. I have a new answer to the question that I get so often when I am working at my store, “How do you like training?” Well it’s been almost four whole months since I’ve started training and now my answer is, “I’m getting bored with it.” I’m tired of telling people over and over all the same things that I had to tell the last group over and over. Every training session, the same things. It’s not the logistics of the job; I don’t mind telling them how to operate a register, or how to clean a bathroom. It’s the little things…if someone is buying a pack of gum ask them if they’d like to hold on to it; postage stamps go to the customer, not in the bag; don’t send bread down the belt followed by milk, slide bread to the side so it makes it home with the customer; Don’t put a bag of potatoes on top of a carton of eggs…you freaking morons. I’m just bored with it, I’ve reached my limit and I don’t want to do it anymore. I don’t know how the other trainers have made it as long as they have but I’m done. I mostly blame the fact that I have to train at this one store that I absolutely despise. I don’t mind using the harsh words of hate, despise, loathe, when describing this store, I hate it, I hate it more then I have hated anything and there have been a lot of things that I have hated in the past, I used to be very over dramatic. I don’t like how the management at that store interrupts my training to tell me their store specific things, I hate how nasty their store is…it’s a little hard to train someone to clean in a store that never is. They do all the chores differently then we train so if I am training someone for a different location I’d rather not to it at this store where everything is so backwoods and Clampet-like. Sorry, I just had to get that out.
It was like, last night one of the girls at my store sarcastically asked me if I thought I was all special because I had my trainer name tag on my coat and I told her that honestly I felt better about myself as a cashier. She asked why and I simply told her when you are a trainer everyone expects you to know everything and there’s no way you could know everything and when one of your trainees messes up they directly blame you for it. You end up feeling worse every time something goes wrong. As opposed to when I am a cashier at my store, I know what I am doing, I’m considered one of the best cashier’s and my self-esteem really gets a face lift. So no, I don’t feel that I am special by wearing my trainer nametag…I actually feel like dirt as a trainer. I need a new job.
I was talking to the Motivator and her son; just a little background she has a little bit of a problem with him. He’s recently moved home and she loves having him there but she is also a recently remarried woman (to one of my favorite people in the whole world by the way.) Her son is always going along with them when they go out to dinner and she says she barely really gets to see her husband because her son is always there. I talked to my sister about it and we decided that we could set her (my sister) up with the Motivator’s son. So I told her about my plan but my sister is out…good plan, wrong girl I guess. The Motivator’s son is 23 my sister is 29, and her name doesn’t go over to well with everyone because my sister has the same name as her husband’s ex-wife…so it’s a no go. She asked if we could call my sister by my name and I said that would be okay but it would get confusing.
Later we were talking about what they should get for dinner, I told them that they should order a pizza and put on a movie. The Motivator asked me when I was going to get there because they were going to fall asleep. Then she laughed about how much her son would like a single girl showing up at the house.
Then when they were ready to leave we were talking about something and the girl who was their cashier said something about me inviting myself over to their house and I said I never did, they invited me. Then I said something to the Motivator about how I was going to come over later and ask where the pizza was, I told them I like pepperoni. Then she said that we will have a pizza date soon so I agreed. A pizza date would be nice.
I had to give Gotta Pee a ride home last night. Never had to do that before. We get to my car and I’m buckling in and he asks me straight out if I smoke pot. Can’t say I get that question too much anymore. (I say ‘anymore’ because I actually used to get that question). I told him ‘no’ and he said, “yeah me neither.” It reminded me of a story that my sister told me about my nephew and his mom. My nephew asked his mom if she ever ate her boogers and she said, “No, that’s disgusting!” and he said, “Yeah, me neither.” We joked that she probably cut off the channels of communication right then and there for the rest of their lives together. He would always be too afraid to talk to her about things. Anyway, so the first part of the car trip was about how he doesn’t smoke pot anymore but how my sister used to (he knew my sister) and then it changed to religion, quite the switch right? He didn’t think my religion believed in God and I got to have a little missionary moment and explain how we are Christians and all Christians believe in God. Then he jumped to school…he did say he had a hard time focusing on things and I just got my own personal show of it.

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