Friday, January 30, 2009

Is it wrong that...

So I've decided that a very unattractive characteristic in people is panic. A lady at work who I really like was panicking this morning and I wanted to slap her across the face and tell her to calm down. Why? Cause we had a problem (I didn't see it as one but whatever) we had to finish a project by five o'clock today...possibly earlier, I'm not sure. But she was panicking at 9:30 in the morning that we couldn't get it done. Way to quit before you start. I'll have you know that it's almost 1 o'clock and if we aren't finished we almost are. P.S. we had to stuff tax forms into envelopes and get them in the mail today. We had to first fold, then stuff, then run it through the postage machine. Hundreds upon hundreds and my fingers ache, my skin is dry, and my brain died somewhere in the process, but I did my stack, then I went back for more, then I got some from another person working on it. I just stopped and I could go get the remaining ones but my brain hurts and I can't smile. I can't smile because I think I'm asleep with my eyes opened. ...which means this is a dream...or sleep typing (if that's real, you know what, even if it's not real, that's what it is).

No reason to panic, it got done. I don't know why I just wrote all of that except for the fact that I realized today that I have never found it attractive, rather repulsive and a weakness. Maybe it's my survival of the fittest instinct that is ingrained deep in my DNA...the strong survive and come out on top.

That's your science lesson today. Thank you Darwin.

Oh wait, speaking of the strongest, not really but I wanted to vent. SFHB - First off we have a basketball game tonight and I don't really want her to come, but since she probably is I am trying to think of a way not to give her a ride. I normally don't care if I give her a ride somewhere, but this is a long car ride, and I'm tired of hearing about her mother. She needs to start talking to other people than just her mother or her sister because the intro, "So I was talking to my mom today," gets old quick. Cut the cord honey, it's for your own good.

My vent though is from the e-mail I just got from her. I'm trying really hard not to fall into line with people and bad mouthing. It's hard because it seems to be a natural hurdle for mankind. I am also trying to not be so mean hearted towards SFHB, but I find that in order to do this I have to avoid her. She is an extremely negative person who doesn't seem to have a nice thing to say about anyone. I know she talks behind my back because I've caught her doing it before (not upset just saying, this is the type of person she is). So Moxie is saying that she is going to start to go to the branch, it's closer and her and her boyfriend will be going together. As a joke I said, "So what, now that you've found your E.C. you don't need the singles ward anymore?" but I was making fun of a guy who stopped coming because he got engaged. SFHB starts to say that she just might join her in going to the Branch. (Probably because she doesn't like her new calling and would love to get out of it).

So today we were e-mailing (we being my roommates and I, minus Moxie for some reason) and I mentioned how the Branch is having a baptism tonight and she asked some question which was probably supposed to be witty but I'm not in the mood today and I say, "That's the branch for you." because I didn't know what else to say. Then she writes back and says (let me quote), "Why would Moxie ever want to go there? Is it wrong that it kind of upsets me when people go there just because it's more convienant?" Yes - it is wrong...and so is your spelling of convenient. Which is what I will write back when I post this. It is wrong, mostly just because it's you and I feel like you judge too much as it is. I don't care where someone goes to church as long as they are actually going. If Moxie will have better attendance at the Branch, then by all means go to the Branch. The other reason it's wrong is because you said (in front of witnesses) that you would be willing to go too because you're tired of the ward. (I even e-mail Moxie while writing this to confirm with her that something along those lines was said).

Also: If you ever have to say "Is it wrong that (fill in your dilemma here)" the answer is 'yes'.

I don't know why I let it bug me so much, but as soon as I post this I'm going to stop thinking about it and move on with my life.

P.S.! I just got a call from Washington (D.C.) no joke. Never thought I could say that Washington has called. Don't know what they want, don't know if they'll leave a voicemail, but I can only assume Obama is after us (if not for my Republican views than for my money). Trust No One.

1 comment:

Evan said...

Not that I need to justify my behavior but excuuuuuse me if I want to go to the branch?! The majority of my extended family goes there. I'll cut a biatch ;)