Thursday, January 15, 2009

D-A-M Feminist (Part 2) And We're Back

Pa-lease! (article)

"Girls want this because they’re told to want this, because they think they should, and that’s what their friends are getting. We gender-label things," she says. "I’m a girl so I should enjoy shopping and cooking and getting a manicure and there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with a guy enjoying that, either." - Karen Shanor, a neuropsychologist based in Washington D.C.

D-A-M Feminists

First off, let's address the issue that's most vital to our survival as a species. Yes, there is something wrong with a guy enjoying manicures. There, I've said it. I'm sorry but I don't want a man who is more pampered than I am. The whole cooking and shopping thing is fine, but manicures are crossing the line. Then there is the whole, "Girls like this because they are told to like this." Bullcrap. I have said it before and I'll say it again, there are differences between the genders, whether you try to ignore them or not, whether you try to create each person in the world to somehow be a unisex individual there are still these innate differences. Tony Key (from the article) states that girls like to create and boys like to destroy. ...Duh, this guy is spewing proverbial wisdom and what does Shanor have to say about it?

"Boys want to blow things up because that’s what they’re told their territory is."

*mouth open* I suppose I didn't realize that I shoved it down my nephew’s throat to turn everything into a gun or sword and fight with them, or that I told him that it was his territory to knock down everything that was built out of Legos and building blocks. All of this before he could even talk. What about my niece? No one told her to be a girly girl, to enjoy dressing up her dolls and naming them and nurturing them. No one wanted her to want to wear make-up, much less taught her that it was what she should want. Face it pig headed feminists, some things are innate, their degrees vary, there are exceptions (yourselves for instance). But just because you want to feel that the way you are is right doesn't mean that everyone has to adhere to it. Women are not in a man made prison of gender adherence. This is just the way things are. Its okay if you're a girl and like to destroy things and its okay if you're a guy and like to nurture and create, that's your prerogative, but the problem comes when they grow up and assume that they were different, that somehow they "escaped" the constraints and tyranny of society. They want to open the eyes of everyone around them and they’ll do it by force if they must, and they won’t stop.

The problem with society is that they don’t let girls just figure out what they want! I’m not a guy so I can’t say if it’s happening with them either. If a girl wants to take on a traditional role the feminist voice in society is screaming at them and telling them that they can’t want that, it tells them that they only think they want it. Shanor says that there’s nothing wrong with it if a girl enjoys cooking and shopping and getting manicures but in the very same statement she is saying that it’s unfair to the girls, a few lines before in the article she says it’s even harmful to them, to have games about what a test group of girls said they wanted. She cannot even get her statements to agree and she is fighting against something that was researched, something that sells. She'd rather the girls play "Halo" and "Grand Theft Auto"? Does she want them to play games like "Fallout" until they find that they enjoy them? I'm just sick and tired of society trying to wipe out the natural humanity that women are born with. I personally don't like violent games that guys tend to play, I don't want to play them and I'd be thrilled if the guys didn't, but they do, and I'm not going to start a rampage and force them to play "Fashion Designer" or "Babyz"...I don't even want to play those games. But that's what I'm saying. If a girl doesn't enjoy playing these games she won't. If she'd rather play "Halo" she will. I'm tired of the feminist thinking that we are mindless drones because we want a family, enjoy fashion, shopping, cooking, maybe even cleaning (man I wish I had that problem!). We must be mindless because we care what other people think, how they feel, because maybe we want to nurture people, build them up rather than tear them down. There is nothing gender forced or unnatural with any girl or woman who chooses what she prefers to do, whether it's the ambition to become a CEO or a mother.

Step back Shanor and look at yourself. Who is really trying to force gender roles here?

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