Friday, January 23, 2009

Hello Old Friend

So I told my friend about this blog (I am working on a nickname, but don't pressure me that always makes it harder) and then I preceded to spend a majority of my morning at work reading over old blog entries.

It is amazing to me how much I have changed in such a short amount of time. While I find my previous writings very amusing and wish (just a little) that I had that kind of drama to keep me writing this way, I'm impressed and grateful for how much I've changed. I get along with SFHB, though she still bugs me sometimes - I don't let myself blow up the way I used to. I don't let it bug me as much, because seriously, talk about a waste of energy. I actually like Tyrant, yes, sometimes she's demanding, but I like her, I like being her friend and I feel like she wants to be mine. So...we'll do that. Pack Rat has become the roommate that I am closest to now, though I don't consider myself close to any of them really...not in the way I was close to some roommates in college (SweatPea, Dragon, Oreo, and others who were before the days of Brutally Honest).

I quit this blog for the obvious reasons, without the insatiable rage fueling my creative energies there really was no purpose to a blog entitled "Brutally Honest" where I state how I really feel about people. Funny - yes, helpful towards being a better person - No.

Well, thought I would just drop in and say 'hello'.

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