Monday, May 19, 2008

Chapter 113: I'll stop the world and melt with you

So, all my life I've heard people talk about “melting”. I’m not talking about chocolate melting over heat or anything like that, but the “romantic” melting. “I’ll stop the world and melt with you,” “he made me melt,” etc. I think you get the idea because I think you’ve heard of it too. However, I’ve never had the “melting” sensation. It’s a nice phrase to say I suppose but can you really melt?
Well, this past Saturday - I melted. I didn’t realize what happened until I removed myself from the situation, having never melted before I didn’t realize that the funny feeling that made me want to slide from my chair to the floor and made my lips tug into a smile was melting. It’s an actual oozing feeling in your chest cavity, I can see now why so many people compare it to melting.
Melting does not equal love so don’t get your panties in a twist, I can melt but still survive. Of course now you would probably like the details of my first melting experience.
Details of my first melting experience:
So I was at a friend’s party Saturday night. Friend who will soon be roommate but I can’t remember the nickname I gave her. She usually has little movie parties and I love going to them, I always have a good time. This particular movie party was smaller than the rest, I think the summer weather has upped the lame intensity in the regular party goers who decide that bowling with the boys is more fun then hanging with the girls. Not going to go off on that. However, even though the numbers were small it was more the atmosphere I preferred, I talked to every single person there, I made two or three new friends, people who have always been there, but I’ve never talked to. One of those individuals was Heart-Melter - as he shall be called. I was talking to new roommate and another friend, who doesn’t have a nickname and is moving so won’t be getting one and Heart-Melter came over to sit with us. I was joking around with my friends about something and then as I was talking I looked at Heart-Melter who had this strange smiley look on his face and he was looking at me as though what I was saying was the most fascinating thing in the world, but not intensely so, not like a student learning something very interesting for the first time, but like hearing your favorite story, with a touch of fondness in the eye. So I had that strange sliding, melting feeling and tried to keep my cool as I was talking. He gave me the look again later, and I wasn’t sure if that is his normal expression or if he thought my stories were the best ever, because I haven’t really looked at this person much mostly because I was too nervous to make eye contact. I almost felt like telling him he shouldn’t look at people like that because it was too attractive. It really was attractive and I think I’ve become addicted to the melting sensation.
So Sunday at church I was looking for some people because we had a meeting and I needed it to get started so I could leave. Melter was sitting in the foyer with his friend and as I approached I swear he looked right at me and got this big grin on his face, I think or more so I hope that I smiled back because I don’t want him to think that I was rude and ignored his smile. But the people I was looking for suddenly showed up at that moment and I didn’t get a chance to go over and talk to him.
But anyway, that’s my story about the first time I melted.

1 comment:

Rub said...

And maybe you should tell me this person's name in real life.