Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Chapter 116: Solo Driving

So last night Newbie and I went to a soiree for a friend’s birthday. Newbie drove, which is good because I wanted her to drive because first – she knew where she was going and secondly – because I had already driven to south side twice this week. The get together was good, mostly because Newbie and I were hardly together. I enjoyed hanging out with my “fan club” as my one friend called it and just getting to spend time with other people.
Newbie had told me when we left that she wanted to leave at 9 to get home and get ready for bed because she was tired. I told her that was fine, because honestly it seemed like it would be plenty of time and it was a Tuesday, people start to leave things early on weekdays. So 9:05 arrives and I didn’t realize what time it was and the girls were going to watch bloopers from the movie that they made and I was all excited because my favorite thing in the whole world (almost) is watching movie bloopers, especially when I know the people. So Newbie comes in and says, “Alright it’s 9 let’s go” and I was a little disappointed, I may have said, “oh,” in a whining tone, not actually sure if I did or not. I was standing next to my friend Petunia (for those of you who know her “middle name” then you already know who this is) and Newbie was in the kitchen as Petunia and I were in the doorway. Newbie, without looking at me gets an attitude in her voice, “I told you I wanted to leave at 9 and it’s already 5 minutes past.” So I get an equal attitude in my voice and say, “Fine,” and she says, “I’m just kidding” and finally looks at me and tries to smile and without a smile I say, “I couldn’t tell.” I didn’t feel it warranted a smile; no one treats me like a child and gets away with it.
So I turn to Petunia and say, “Can I get a ride home?”
And she says, “Yeah,”
And then I said, “I mean, can I get a ride home with you?”
She laughed and said she could, but then I felt bad, my house is a little out of the way for her, she kept telling me it wasn’t, but in the end I decided to just ride home with slut-faced ho-bag, err, I mean Newbie….wait, we may have come across a new name here, let’s see, what do you think of SF-HB? Test the waters with that one.
Then SF-HB says, “If they are just watching one or two we can stay, but I told you before,” blah, blah, blah, because that’s about when I stopped listening. I told her it was fine, I didn’t care anymore.
So I said goodbye to the birthday girl and then my other friend (who needs a name…I say that a lot huh?) she said that she was so excited that I came to south side twice in one week and I told her if we count Sunday as the beginning of the week it’s been three times. So that made her really happy.
Then SF-HB and I walked out to the car, I got in and suddenly I was in the car with MM! She just kept going! On and on about her great conversations with people that evening. I've begun to hate the way she tells stories, I used to like it, but not anymore. And another thing, Diva is right, she's got to cut the apron strings, there isn't one conversation (included a recap of last night) where she didn't mention talking to her mom. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her because I was more than slightly pissed off about the attitude she gave me (and in front of people, like I’m in a freaking abusive relationship). So I sat in the car and tried to hide the fact that she really made me mad but I’m not sure how well I masked it, I could tell I wasn’t doing well, I couldn’t tell how much she cared to notice.
Then we get home and I go upstairs to see Diva because I’ve missed her and I’m talking to her about her sunburn (poor thing) and here comes SF-HB (pronounced Sef-Hub) with her, “What’s going on?” attitude she has when she’s extremely nosey. I just wanted to have an A-B conversation with Diva. But, whatever.

So, this morning Petunia e-mails me and asks, “So was SF-HB PMSing last night?” At least I wasn’t the only one who noticed the not so pleasant attitude she took with me.
I think I have decided that I will no longer carpool with SF-HB, when she drives she acts like a controlling mother, and when I drive she ends up getting me to leave before I am ready. I don’t care how high gas prices soar, and I don’t care if we are headed to the same place, I don’t like being on someone else’s timetable. Pretty much, SF-HB is on her own from now on.

1 comment:

C$ said...

Ok, I need major updates. Who is B2 and B1 again? and Agent L? I might be losing my memory. Yeah, did you like how SF-HB totally butted into our A-B conversation?! That's how she rolls. Who's bday soiree was last night? Are you looking forward to your date on Friday? I'm very excited for you...but only if you're excited...??