Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Chapter 115: Holy Crap - what happened to my legs?

So I think I asked Bachelor #2 out today. This is what happens when I get bored at work. Last night we made smoothies and B2 made a milkshake and we found out later that the milk carton had been drunken out of by B1 earlier that evening. We found this out as Agent L took a big swig and someone said it aloud and Agent L pretty much threw up; Milk spewing into the trash can and the sink. Then B2 asked this other girl and me what we would do if we were drinking milk and someone informed us that B1 had drunken out of it. I asked him what he would do and he said he would wipe off the lid and keep drinking, and then he told me that he had used that milk to make his milkshake, but he hadn’t known at the time. So then later on, way after B2 had left one of my friends who stood with B2 as he made his milkshake with chocolate syrup threw out the remaining syrup saying, “we certainly don’t want that,” and I asked why and she said that she saw some guy sucking syrup out of it earlier. I said, “Before or after B2 was making his milkshake?” Since I knew that she stood and talked to B2 as he made his. She said, “Before” with a sheepish grin. I couldn’t believe that she did that. So today, in my mist of surfing Facebook while I waited for my boss to open her office door I decided to e-mail him. Here’s what I said,
“So I found out from a little bird that you may have vicariously made out with more than one boy...Someone spotted a guy sucking down chocolate syrup and it may or may not have been confirmed that it was before you used some. But I'm sure if you had known you would have just wiped off the top and kept going :)So I'm thinking I should make Out on Friday since I've never actually done it before and I should probably know what I'm dealing with since I think maybe you would like to make Out sometime. What do you think?”
Oh, by the way, I should interject that “Out” is a recipe for cookies that my old FHE brother gave me and B2 and I always joke around about it. Also it’s fun because we like to talk about it in front of other people cause they don’t know we’re talking about cookies.
So anyway, I send the e-mail thinking I’m pretty clever. Then tonight I’m on the internet and see that I got a new message from B2. It says: “Heck yeah Im in. You wanna go to dinner first and make a date out of it? Perhaps a little frisbee golf for an activity?”
Uh…I was just wondering if I should make the cookies because I honestly never have before. I have no clue what they taste like, or how they are supposed to turn out. So I’m sitting here in my room wondering if I just signed up for a date on Friday night with B2 or if we are just joking around some more. So I write back, “Sounds good to me, I've never played frisbee golf before.” And then he wrote back not too long later saying, “sweet, okay then, pick you up at sev3n?” and he spelled seven like that with the 3. I haven’t written back, but I figure I will as soon as I post this. Somehow I just got myself a date for Friday night.

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