Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Chapter 81: Curveballs

Why does life have to be so difficult, why does bad timing seem to always reign, and am I ever going to find a guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with and he wants to spend the rest of his life with me? Will I always have to avoid the only guys interested in me because they aggravate me or are completely weird? On that note, Mr. Collins was at my house Monday night. We had a progressive dinner for church, so of course he was there, we love everyone right? My house was the place to go for dessert. I got stuck in a moment of conversation with him and he asked what I was doing for Thanksgiving. I told him that I was going to my parent’s and he asked where they live and such. I was very vague, I think my answer was, “not too far from here” and then I didn’t ask him what his plans were because knowing him he’d pull a magic trick on me and somehow get me to invite him over for dinner, which I would have to kill myself if that happened. So I avoided giving him any opportunity to do so. I just don’t understand why this guy doesn’t get it that I have no desire to even be friends with him. Then I hear later that he tried to enter into my roommate’s room! Heck no, that’s not cool, luckily someone was standing in the doorway and was oblivious to the fact that someone was trying to get by, even luckier, I had just left the room to go hide in my bedroom. My oldest sister is bugging me too. She’s one of those complainers that I have a hard time feeling sorry for, mostly because they aren’t the only ones going through a situation but they sure act like they are the only ones who have ever felt that kind of pain before. She also adds more drama than necessary to it. Now I’m dramatic but it’s all in good fun, hers is to elicit sympathy. She’s in town for the week, and every night I have invited her to come join the land of the living, but apparently being cooped up with my parents, Spam, and Burrito are actually more appealing to her. I know it’s mostly because I’m on the “singles scene” and she has withdrawn herself from it but then she expects me to withdrawal myself from it too! I just can’t do that, hanging out at my parent’s house listening to Spam and Burrito yell at each other and sitting on the couch while everyone watches T.V. is really not that appealing to me. I can only manage to do that on Sunday’s, any other day and I just can’t do it. I like hanging out with my friends, not only that but Eeyore is leaving soon and I know it sounds bad to choose a friend over family, but I may never see Eeyore again, I’m not that great at keeping in touch, and even though I don’t keep in touch with my sister very well we are bound together by blood and I will see her again. Besides, it’s not like I’m really choosing my friends over her, I have tried to invite her. And I know for a fact that she would do the exact same thing to me, she has. Did it matter that I was tired and wanted to sleep after a four hour drive? No, she had plans and I was coming along, and if I managed to get out of going with her she threw a fit like a spoiled brat. Sometimes she would seriously cry because I didn’t want to do something. She takes things too personally. Maybe it’s my distaste for clingy people, maybe I'm just a bad sister, I don't know.

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