Saturday, November 10, 2007

Chapter 78: Why Normal Guys Don't Finish First Either

I can’t stand that boys waste so much time and energy on video games. Honestly, in 5 years from now what are you going to regret more, not playing a video game or not spending time cultivating relationships with your friends? These boys I know have been obsessed with Call of Duty 4. Bachelor #1 told me that they have been playing it every night for the past week, one night they played until six in the morning. I have one word for you pathetic. When he told Motor Mouth she said that they were all losers and needed girlfriends. It was the bravest thing I had heard all night and I had never been more proud of her. At that moment I was honored to call her my roommate.

Speaking of guys getting girlfriends, why in the world are they expecting the girls to do all the work? "Any takers?" lame. Why can't the guys just ask a girl out? Bachelor #1 isn't in my burn book because he handled me asking him out well, but I remember what he said in the e-mail, that he should have asked me. Well...why didn't he? Why did he have to wait for me to consider him for a possible date and ask him out? A guy should never make a girl wait until she collects the courage to break away from the norms and traditions of her upbringing, if he wants to go on a date with her he should stop assuming that she's got ESP and just ask her out! In that respect he has lost points, but he is also in my made up land of Buddyland, and there he shall stay, so the points are completely meaningless for him. But guys in general need to step it up or they are going to find themselves single and in their 40's wishing that they had asked the girls out when they still had something going for them. No one's going to want them with their gaming guts sagging over their waistline.

In other news I saw Mr. Collins tonight at the party (where I learned of the excessive video game play). It was weird because I have this innate desire to be nice to everyone (though I can't seem to muster up that desire when I'm writing) but I also didn't want to talk to him at all. It was quite the internal struggle. He had called earlier this week inviting me to go ice-skating Friday and told me to give him a call if I was interested, which I wasn't, so I didn't call. I just feel that if he gets me in person and asks me to do something I'm going to have to be rude to his face because honestly, if he hasn't picked up by now I don't think ignoring his existence is going to do the trick. At the party I barely said anything to him, I even walked away several times. He made me do a magic trick, which was cool, but I tried not to act like I thought it was cool because I think he tries to use magic to seduce people, and quite frankly, I'm not seducible. I finally got tired of avoiding him and just left the party, at least I had some fun while I was there.

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