Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Chapter 80: I Only Talk Mean

So Crunchy sends text messages periodically to act like he’s a good friend keeping in touch. I know for a fact however that these text messages are sent out in mass so therefore I never bother with a response. Yesterday however I got one from him asking if I was going to Oreo’s wedding (oh yeah, Oreo is getting married…so much for convincing her to move out east to be my roommate). I figure that it was safe to assume that this text message was personalized. So I wrote him back and said ‘yes’, to which he replies, “You live!” and I told him that ‘yes’ I was alive then I told him that I needed his address, (to send out my Christmas letters should I ever actually finish writing that thing). He writes back about how it’s for my wedding announcement…how great! I write back saying I’m not getting married I’m sending Christmas cards. He writes back saying “sad” and I stopped writing him. Obviously it is the dejection of the life that I call mine which kept him from keeping in better touch with me in the first place. Why bring up such painful memories for him?
Then last night he sent a text asking, “How’s life?” to which I did not reply because I was already ready for bed, so I wasn’t going to bother, it’s from Crunchy, it’s not urgent. Then this morning he writes, “So what’s up with you.” I’m sorry, but if you want to know what’s happening in my life then you’re going to have to respond to me when I sent you an e-mail, you’re going to have to show that you want to be my friend whether it’s on your time or mine! When he’s bored and no one is around is not the time for him to start trying to contact me, I am not interested in being that friend that you keep in touch with because you’re the only one left in a town you should have moved out of upon graduation and just because Thanksgiving is coming up and the 18 year olds that he is used to hanging out with have all probably already gone home for the holiday. That is not the time to start communicating with me, the time to start communicating with me was to start with an apology for never coming to say ‘goodbye’ before I left, an apology for not bothering to travel a few hours when I have flown across the country and am only a 3 or so hour drive (as opposed to a two and half day drive). I will not be responding to group texts, I will not even waste a text message to tell you how I’m doing, because honestly, I don’t have that many available to me in my plan. I texted him back and told him that I didn’t have a lot of text messages on my plan so could he tell me his e-mail address so I could write him then. So what did he say back? He said, “Same as always.” Oh okay, let me just blow away the dust and cobs webs from that crevasse of my brain where I decided to store your e-mail address in case one day I should decide to make contact when I am so bored and lonely that in a fit of delirium I think that it’s still okay to try and keep in touch with you! So I sent an e-mail to an address that may or may not be him because to be honest I can’t remember his e-mail, and if he really wants to know how my life is or what’s up with me then he can e-mail me first (if mine doesn’t go to him). I know that he probably assumed I had access to my normal e-mail address and could just look up his address, but I’m angry with him regardless so it just gave me a specific to channel my anger towards.

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