Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chapter 43: The Energizer Bunny

I just don’t get it. I do like Motor Mouth, I think that her intentions are pure, but why does she have to be so annoying about it? This morning I was getting dressed after getting out of the shower and she knocks on my door. I think I’m going to put some zapping device on my door and anytime that anyone tries to touch my door in anyway whatsoever they will receive a slight shock. If they continue to attempt the same action in a ten minute period the shocks will gradually increase. Right before the shock becomes lethal red lights flash and a siren will sound. Maybe a bull dog will come out of nowhere, I don’t know. Oops, I always do this, so back to the story. She asks me to come help her with a bulletin that she is trying to make to announce this little social thing she wants to do at church. Maybe I have been hanging out with Bull too much lately but I start to wonder why she is doing this. Apparently the activity this past Thursday went really well, of course it was to help introduce the younger girls into the program and out of three stakes which means at least 100 girls under the age of 18, only 3 showed up. However, about 25 girls from our ward showed up, which means that it probably had the highest attendance in the history of the ward. They socialized there; they don’t need an ice cream social. The part that gets me the most is apparently I have to attend it! I don’t believe in ice-cream being the center of a social event! I’ve said this before for anyone who was actually listening, but the last thing you want people to know about you is how you eat your ice-cream! Ice-cream is a very intimate dessert. It has to be enjoyed with 5 people or less! To have a social event orbiting around people eating ice-cream is making a mockery of the frozen diary production. All personal feelings aside, Bull had said something when Motor Mouth first brought this up asking why we needed it and sadly my thoughts were in unison with hers. But I helped Motor Mouth none the less and then went to finish getting ready for the day.
Later Motor Mouth came in to show me the flyers that she made and then she just keeps talking! Somehow anyone else could get away with doing this, Diva, Jellybean, anyone really, except her. So I continue to get ready, I’m not going to stand there and act like I’m really paying attention as she goes through her schedule as usual. She keeps saying how she has to do this and she has to do that and I simply say, “Doesn’t sound like you have to do any of that”. None of it was life or death; no one was forcing her to go. Her busy-ness is contingent on the fact that she chooses to be busy. She just laughed. I wasn’t kidding. Anyway, just so you know when I am getting ready in the morning I listen to my music loudly, so the whole time it’s been up pretty loud. She finally leaves the one door (I have two doors to my room). I do the finishing touches of getting ready and I’m not certain, but I think I can hear her. She’s moved to my back door which is by the laundry room and she’s talking to me! Why the hell does she think I can hear her! My music is blaring, my door is closed. Does she honestly think I can hear a word she is saying? Does the thinking process not complete? If I had been in her place and I could clearly hear music through a closed door I wouldn’t waste my breath! But there she was talking as though she were talking to herself but she was talking to me and she just kept going. She didn’t care if I could actually hear her and I was wondering if she was like one of those teachers who will hold you accountable for information that they think they told you. I should have just left the door closed but I was worried that she would come and knock on it so I opened it.
I finally got away only to be caught later that night. How many times can you try to end a conversation before you blow up at the person and tell them to shut-up? I think that question has a lot more in common to the ‘how many licks does it take’ tootsie pop question. You think that you can brave it and find out the answer but not much longer after you start you realize you are not strong enough to endure the testing procedure. I think that I have been having heart problems due to the fact that I keep getting stuck in everlasting conversations with Motor Mouth. She’s like a gobstopper. Man I need to eat some sugar so I’ll stop comparing everything to candy.
Several times tonight I mentioned that I was going to bed and she just kept going! She repeats too, like a CD cycling through the tracks again, except it’s not the exact same, the words are modified and there’s no catchy tune.

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